
Reflections and projections

Well, another year is nearly gone (9 hours to go as I start this post). 2005 has certainly been interesting, full of varied emotions ranging the entire spectrum. Last year as midnight hit, I was surprized at how much I was affected, after losing Jacob. I felt that I was leaving him behind a glass wall that he could never get through and that I was forever beyond. I cried at midnight last year. I'm pretty sure that midnight this year will be better, though a part of me feels that with each new year, Jacob gets left barther and farther behind.

This year, we have a lot to be thankful for. Owen joined us in all ways this last year. He is truely a blessing. One of the best we will ever receive in our lives. He has brought so much joy to our house, and there was already a lot of joy here. I look at him in awe and amazement each day. It's amazing to think that a year ago, he was merely a prayer and now he is here - a living, breathing person. He has taught me quite a bit these last 11+ weeks. I'm so excited to see him each morning, grinning at me as I sing him awake. FOr those of you who know me, he actually gives me a great excuse to get out of bed on time in the morning. His smile is totally worth it!

We are also thankful for our friends and family, who have blessed us tremendously with their love and support. We couldn't get through life without that. I know I have needed that support as I've frequently struggled with nursing difficulties. (Now I'm drinking one beer a day to help boost my supply. What a great side effect of beer!)

2006 brings a new year, going back to work, and more learning all around within our family. Beginning Tuesday, I go back to work and Owen stays home with Daddy. It's going to be a hard day for me, but I think I'm ready. I actually started planning stuff in my head today. Mentally, I'm ready to go back. Emotionally, not so much. I'm sure I'll cry all the way to work on Tuesday. It will be nice, however, to see the kids and parents again. Figuring out my pumping schedule will be a bit of a challenge, though. I anticipate it will take a couple of weeks to really get it down, mostly since my schedule is so different each day. Two pumpings will be fairly easy to plan and keep regular, but the third of the day will be a little bit more difficult. Suggestions from anyone who has done this would be much appreciated!

Happy New Year, everyone!


Owen's stash at home! There were more presents to unwrap in the big red box!

The stack to his left are all his - some clothes but mostly toys!

Yes, the bow is on his head.

Christmas Day - under the tree.

First picture with a smile! Just done with a bath.

First Christmas!

Owen's first Christmas was a success. He was such a great kid during all of the festivities. He made it through the party at Daddy's parent's house and Mass on Saturday night, falling asleep during church with some help from Mom. He was awake and smiling when I went in to get him Sunday morning. He ended up falling asleep mid-way through opening presents. Next year will be much different. He'll acutally have an idea about what is going on next year.

After we opened presents at home, we headed to my in-law's for the day. When we got there, we realized that Owen had totally blown out his diaper. It was all over the place and *very* messy. He was not a happy camper while I was changing his outfit and diaper. The way he was screaming you would have thought I was doing something to really hurt him. It took a few minutes for him to calm down once he was changed and dressed in something clean and dry. Then he proceded to conk out for a little while.

He got loads of cool toys from various family members. Mom had fun putting them together last night. :-) He's a little young for them but we can start introducing them soon - he just won't be able to play with them on his own yet ( doesn't have the motor skills necessary).

He is in one of his most beautiful states right now - asleep in my arms. He looks like an angel. In about an hour he'll turn into Og the eating machine. (Og comes from his initials - O. G.)


New Tricks

Owen has a couple of new tricks this week. He is now holding his head up at 90 degrees for several minutes. He also can roll over from his tummy to his back. He's done it twice now - once yesterday at group and once this morning. He was getting so close for quite a while and I was afraid I would miss seeing it because I was afraid it would happen once I went back to work. I'm so glad he did it while I was there! I almost cried I was so excited for him!

The other cool thing that happened at group yesterday was Owen's weigh-in. Last week he was about 10-3. Yesterday he was 11-0. That's 13 oz. of gained weight in a week. Yay Owen! (I've been nursing and then offering him a bottle of formula to suppliment.) He's really starting to look like his daddy now, too, since his face is starting to fill out a bit. I really noticed it just a little bit ago as I was putting him down for his morning nap.


An Expensive Week

So Owen is now two months old. We went to the pediatrician on Monday for his check-up (and four vaccines...poor Little Man!) and all is well. We are now supplimenting with formula after each feeding to help him gain weight. He is doing quite well otherwise. In the 95th percentile for height...24.5" long. He's already outgrowing his 0-3 month stuff, mostly because of his length, not his overall bulk.

Our sleep schedule has changed in the last week. Wednesday of last week, Owen slept through the night. He's been doing it ever since. The first week or so, he went to sleep between 9:00 and 10:00 and woke up between 5:00 and 6:00. That's a great chunk! The last two nights, however, he's improved a little bit. Going to sleep around 9:00 and waking up between 6:00 and 6:30. Way to go, Little Man! It's amazing how much better rested I am now that I don't have to get up for an hour in the middle of the night. I feel so much better. I don't know how long it's been since I've had an uninterrupted night's sleep. Since April or May, maybe?

Now for the explanation of the title of this post. Last Friday Max, the cat, started making horrid sounds (sounds I never knew a cat could make). We went to the emergency vet and found out that he couldn't urinate...there were crystals blocking the flow. $1500 and 3 days later, he came home and has been doing pretty well since. Getting his meds in him is a challenge, but we get it done twice a day. Glad that isn't for life, only through this weekend.

Tuesday was my birthday, Jeffy and I went out dancing to the place where we met 5-1/2 years ago. I hadn't been there since May of last year. It was nice to get back there. Also, due to a new state law, it's now smoke free! Yippee!!!! No more coming home with that horrible stench permiating from everywhere. We'll be going back a lot more now for various reasons. Owen came to dinner with us and then we dropped him off at Jeffy's brother's house. Free babysitting is good! :-)

We're finally getting the tree decorated today, since Jeffy is home today. I still have a few errands to run this morning, but we'll still have most of the day for decorating - and then getting the presents under the tree and off of the dining room table.


Eight Weeks Old

Owen certainly is growing so fast. Today he is 8 weeks old. He'll be two months old on Monday. He is starting to really smile at things (like my fingers walking up his chest, when I sing to him, when we play Pat-a-Cake, etc.) It's great. He's going from a 'blob' to a real little person. He is also becoming slightly mobile. Starting this last week, he's been moving around in his crib at night, ultimately facing a totally different direction than he started out facing. I'm just waiting for the morning when I go in and he's facing down instead of up - that will mean he's turned over instead of just spinning around.

Group has been good on Wednesdays. We are continuing to monitor Owen's weight. Two weeks ago he had gained 10 oz, last week 6, this week 1. I called my lactation consultant and she reassured me that if we average out his weight gain over the last three weeks that he is at the low end, but is doing ok. We go see the pediatrician on Monday for his two-month check and I'm planning on talking with her about it. His failure to gain any significant weight this last week is making me feel somewhat inadequate as a nursing mother. We've been struggling with this since the beginning so it's nothing new, but I was thinking that we had it figured out. Maybe this most recent week was just an off week. Speaking of nursing, guess who's hungry...again... At least he's going 6-8 hours at night. Good chunks of sleep for his parents!