
t day?

owen is in real underwear today. we're going to see if we can lick this potty training thing today. so far, he's gone once right when he got up (that was about a half hour ago). i'll try to post updates as the day progresses. i would love to be able to send him to daycare in underwear on monday (and with underwear). once he gets trained at home, we will need to get him going other places. he still hasn't gone anywhere away from home...

wish us luck!


and this diagnosis is...

rotavirus. i got a call from daycare at 9:45 saying he'd had diarrhea three times already. i went to get him, called the doctor, and took him in at noon. he can't go back to daycare, even though that's where he got it, until after (1) his fever is gone for 24 hours and (2) the diarrhea is gone. i'm a little frustrated, both with the daycare bit since he got it there, as well as with the fact that he has such a rough time in winter. unfortunately, i can't do anything about either of those things so i'll be frustrated and let it go.

he's napping now but has also gone potty for me twice today. going potty is a good thing - it means he's hydrated. i love that owen can communicate now. he told me after he went potty that he wanted to go take a nap. he didn't want to wash his hands (i made sure he did that anyway.) he can also tell me when he wants something or more of something.


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getting it?

i think owen may finally be getting the potty thing. he's gone twice in the last 90 minutes or so. neither time was a bunch, but he went. i'm setting an alarm to remind him to go every hour or so. he's also in pull-ups today. i've discovered that they now have velcro along the sides, which means that they can be re-used after the sides have been opened unlike the older version i was expecting where once the sides are opened, that's it. very cool!

we drove up to everett today for the second time in as many days. i left my camera at owen's godparent's house. we also took up the jerky we intended to give them yesterday. i told eileen when i called this morning that i was willing to pay a ransom on my camera. we had a nice drive up, nice visit, and a nice drive down, complete with a stop at daddy's work to get the credit card for go-go juice for the car.

owen didn't get much of a nap today (30-45 minutes in the car on the way home from everett). he's nodding off right now while we're watching the news while waiting for dinner to be done cooking.

we are going to the wiggles in march! my b-i-l works for ticketmaster and was able to get us good seats (row 15 on the floor with an aisle seat!) i'm so excited! owen doesn't get what's going on yet, but he'll get it later on. it might not happen until we walk into the arena and he sees the stage, but he'll get it and be excited.



that it is. today is very busy. we're going to church (i think), then to the baptism of owen's godbrother, Michael. everyone is so excited that michael is here. we didn't think his parents would ever be able to have children. he was born on december 27. after that, we are going to jeffy's mother's birthday celebration. that's for dinner. i think we'll take comfy clothes to change into after the baptism. family get-togethers are fun, but noisy and draining. there are currently 12 adults (two generations) and 7 kids, ranging in age from 11 years to one month old. owen is right smack dab in the middle of that group.

as for my "taking more than one" comment yesterday - it happened this morning. owen got up with a very (very) full diaper, but still managed to go potty a little bit. he got his m, but it ended up being plural. i hope owen goes potty while we're out and about today. that will make things really nice and much easier. and it will be one step closer to being potty trained.

oh, and elmo got a bath yesterday. we were drawing a bath for owen and he decided to put his tickle me elmo tmx into the tub. jeffy was closest, but not paying attention. luckily (or not - depending on your opinion of elmo), elmo still works.


Chocolate breath

Just an update:

Owen's croup is much better. He's barely coughed today, and didn't wake up coughing at all last night (or if he did, I didn't hear him). His cough sounds much better as well. He spent two days out of daycare this week, but went back Wednesday-Friday.

Potty training continues. Slowly. He's gone twice today :-) he's really getting to be such big boy. I let him pick out his own m from the baggie. he gets mad when i take the baggie away, but he is learning to deal. i'm sure it's just a matter of time before he takes more than one.

he's also turning into a parrot (or have i already said that?)


a barking seal

guess what that means? croup. we went in yesterday after his cough changed from normal to seal-y. he's been home from school two days. i stayed home yesterday, jeffy stayed home today. owen is back to his normal self today, which is good. that means that both of us can go to work tomorrow. he has almost coughed himself hoarse, poor kid. it's been a rough couple of days, between the fever, 105 on sunday afternoon, 103 at 2:30 a.m. on monday - both times we gave him motrin and it responded very nicely, and him coughing, it's been hard on mom too. his breathing is still a bit labored, but it's ok. i'll be glad when we're through this.

i had a meeting after school tonight. i've been home maybe 30 minutes. not too long after i got in, owen took my hands, looked at me and said, "atee atee" and then dropped to his knees. he was asking to play ring around the rosie, which we did multiple times. must be somethign he's learned at daycare.

when we were at the pediatrician's office yesterday, she was asking me questions about how owen was doing. he started readign off the letters on the label on the examining table. she stopped and looked at me in surprise. she asked me if he was trying to read the letters. i told her he was reading the letters and that he knows most of his alphabet. then i told her that he can consistently get his shoes on the right feet. she was amazed. as we were walking out, we saw his old pediatrician. she was there with her two children doing some "official business". it was so nice to see her! we miss her, but we love the new doctor, too. she was also very amazed at his skills and agreed with me that we are in for a wild ride with this kid. when kids as smart as owen get bored, they get in trouble...


it's official!

no, we're not trained yet, but he's gone twice for me today. and the second time he went, it was easily within 30 seconds of sitting on the potty. it wasn't all that much (and he went twice that time, once with the spash guard on, once with it off...gotta learn to tuck himself in on the potty) but he went! he was rewarded with the m. i think he's getting the concept. i wonder if getting him trained by the end of the month is within the realm of possibility. it will be interesting to see when he starts going potty other places. he's spending the night at jeffy's brother's house this saturday night. i wonder if he'll go there. he loves his potty book, too. made me read it four times tonight.


training camp

well, i think we're officially potty training (knock on wood). we were out shopping today and i asked him if he had to go. he said he did so we went. i pulled out his portable potty seat and put it on the big potty. he sat for about 5 seconds, then told me, "all done potty". didn't do anything in the potty, but in september when he first started peeing (briefly) on the potty, he wouldn't sit on that seat. this is definately progress. he also has started saying, "potty" or "more potty"...did that for 5 minutes straight when we were in the car.

i just found out that owen's favorite group is coming to the tacoma at the end of march. too bad my friend katie can't go with me (she'll be a week away from her due date with her little girl.) i'll have to keep an eye on tickets and see if jeffy can work anything out for us since he works for ticketmaster.


ready to go?

owen is really growing up. he is starting to accurately tell me if he's poopy or not. if he says, "yes" when i ask him, he's usually telling the truth. however, he sometimes will tell me he's not even if he is. tonight i asked him if he needed to go potty, to which he replied, "yes." we went into the bathroom, he sat on his potty, got up, i asked him to sit down again while i got his jammies (it was bath night), when i came back in, he again stood up and i again asked him to sit back down so i could go grab his ear plugs from my room (still in my overnight bag from our trip) and when i got back into the bathroom, he stood up, said "all done potty" and he had peed in the potty! one m&m when he pees, two when he poops, three if he does both. (hey, it worked for me when i was little!) my hope is that he is basically potty trained by the time we go to omaha in may for my sister's graduation. i'm thinking that'll be a real good possiblity.

his vocabulary is growing exponentially on a daily basis. his memory is also amazing. during stories tonight, he asked, "where neena?" (sheena - his aunt who just moved here from upstate new york in september.) i asked him if he wanted to call her and he said he did. so we did. she loved it!