
Reflections and projections

Well, another year is nearly gone (9 hours to go as I start this post). 2005 has certainly been interesting, full of varied emotions ranging the entire spectrum. Last year as midnight hit, I was surprized at how much I was affected, after losing Jacob. I felt that I was leaving him behind a glass wall that he could never get through and that I was forever beyond. I cried at midnight last year. I'm pretty sure that midnight this year will be better, though a part of me feels that with each new year, Jacob gets left barther and farther behind.

This year, we have a lot to be thankful for. Owen joined us in all ways this last year. He is truely a blessing. One of the best we will ever receive in our lives. He has brought so much joy to our house, and there was already a lot of joy here. I look at him in awe and amazement each day. It's amazing to think that a year ago, he was merely a prayer and now he is here - a living, breathing person. He has taught me quite a bit these last 11+ weeks. I'm so excited to see him each morning, grinning at me as I sing him awake. FOr those of you who know me, he actually gives me a great excuse to get out of bed on time in the morning. His smile is totally worth it!

We are also thankful for our friends and family, who have blessed us tremendously with their love and support. We couldn't get through life without that. I know I have needed that support as I've frequently struggled with nursing difficulties. (Now I'm drinking one beer a day to help boost my supply. What a great side effect of beer!)

2006 brings a new year, going back to work, and more learning all around within our family. Beginning Tuesday, I go back to work and Owen stays home with Daddy. It's going to be a hard day for me, but I think I'm ready. I actually started planning stuff in my head today. Mentally, I'm ready to go back. Emotionally, not so much. I'm sure I'll cry all the way to work on Tuesday. It will be nice, however, to see the kids and parents again. Figuring out my pumping schedule will be a bit of a challenge, though. I anticipate it will take a couple of weeks to really get it down, mostly since my schedule is so different each day. Two pumpings will be fairly easy to plan and keep regular, but the third of the day will be a little bit more difficult. Suggestions from anyone who has done this would be much appreciated!

Happy New Year, everyone!


Owen's stash at home! There were more presents to unwrap in the big red box!

The stack to his left are all his - some clothes but mostly toys!

Yes, the bow is on his head.

Christmas Day - under the tree.

First picture with a smile! Just done with a bath.

First Christmas!

Owen's first Christmas was a success. He was such a great kid during all of the festivities. He made it through the party at Daddy's parent's house and Mass on Saturday night, falling asleep during church with some help from Mom. He was awake and smiling when I went in to get him Sunday morning. He ended up falling asleep mid-way through opening presents. Next year will be much different. He'll acutally have an idea about what is going on next year.

After we opened presents at home, we headed to my in-law's for the day. When we got there, we realized that Owen had totally blown out his diaper. It was all over the place and *very* messy. He was not a happy camper while I was changing his outfit and diaper. The way he was screaming you would have thought I was doing something to really hurt him. It took a few minutes for him to calm down once he was changed and dressed in something clean and dry. Then he proceded to conk out for a little while.

He got loads of cool toys from various family members. Mom had fun putting them together last night. :-) He's a little young for them but we can start introducing them soon - he just won't be able to play with them on his own yet ( doesn't have the motor skills necessary).

He is in one of his most beautiful states right now - asleep in my arms. He looks like an angel. In about an hour he'll turn into Og the eating machine. (Og comes from his initials - O. G.)


New Tricks

Owen has a couple of new tricks this week. He is now holding his head up at 90 degrees for several minutes. He also can roll over from his tummy to his back. He's done it twice now - once yesterday at group and once this morning. He was getting so close for quite a while and I was afraid I would miss seeing it because I was afraid it would happen once I went back to work. I'm so glad he did it while I was there! I almost cried I was so excited for him!

The other cool thing that happened at group yesterday was Owen's weigh-in. Last week he was about 10-3. Yesterday he was 11-0. That's 13 oz. of gained weight in a week. Yay Owen! (I've been nursing and then offering him a bottle of formula to suppliment.) He's really starting to look like his daddy now, too, since his face is starting to fill out a bit. I really noticed it just a little bit ago as I was putting him down for his morning nap.


An Expensive Week

So Owen is now two months old. We went to the pediatrician on Monday for his check-up (and four vaccines...poor Little Man!) and all is well. We are now supplimenting with formula after each feeding to help him gain weight. He is doing quite well otherwise. In the 95th percentile for height...24.5" long. He's already outgrowing his 0-3 month stuff, mostly because of his length, not his overall bulk.

Our sleep schedule has changed in the last week. Wednesday of last week, Owen slept through the night. He's been doing it ever since. The first week or so, he went to sleep between 9:00 and 10:00 and woke up between 5:00 and 6:00. That's a great chunk! The last two nights, however, he's improved a little bit. Going to sleep around 9:00 and waking up between 6:00 and 6:30. Way to go, Little Man! It's amazing how much better rested I am now that I don't have to get up for an hour in the middle of the night. I feel so much better. I don't know how long it's been since I've had an uninterrupted night's sleep. Since April or May, maybe?

Now for the explanation of the title of this post. Last Friday Max, the cat, started making horrid sounds (sounds I never knew a cat could make). We went to the emergency vet and found out that he couldn't urinate...there were crystals blocking the flow. $1500 and 3 days later, he came home and has been doing pretty well since. Getting his meds in him is a challenge, but we get it done twice a day. Glad that isn't for life, only through this weekend.

Tuesday was my birthday, Jeffy and I went out dancing to the place where we met 5-1/2 years ago. I hadn't been there since May of last year. It was nice to get back there. Also, due to a new state law, it's now smoke free! Yippee!!!! No more coming home with that horrible stench permiating from everywhere. We'll be going back a lot more now for various reasons. Owen came to dinner with us and then we dropped him off at Jeffy's brother's house. Free babysitting is good! :-)

We're finally getting the tree decorated today, since Jeffy is home today. I still have a few errands to run this morning, but we'll still have most of the day for decorating - and then getting the presents under the tree and off of the dining room table.


Eight Weeks Old

Owen certainly is growing so fast. Today he is 8 weeks old. He'll be two months old on Monday. He is starting to really smile at things (like my fingers walking up his chest, when I sing to him, when we play Pat-a-Cake, etc.) It's great. He's going from a 'blob' to a real little person. He is also becoming slightly mobile. Starting this last week, he's been moving around in his crib at night, ultimately facing a totally different direction than he started out facing. I'm just waiting for the morning when I go in and he's facing down instead of up - that will mean he's turned over instead of just spinning around.

Group has been good on Wednesdays. We are continuing to monitor Owen's weight. Two weeks ago he had gained 10 oz, last week 6, this week 1. I called my lactation consultant and she reassured me that if we average out his weight gain over the last three weeks that he is at the low end, but is doing ok. We go see the pediatrician on Monday for his two-month check and I'm planning on talking with her about it. His failure to gain any significant weight this last week is making me feel somewhat inadequate as a nursing mother. We've been struggling with this since the beginning so it's nothing new, but I was thinking that we had it figured out. Maybe this most recent week was just an off week. Speaking of nursing, guess who's hungry...again... At least he's going 6-8 hours at night. Good chunks of sleep for his parents!


Pigging Out

This is for all parties involved here. Thanksgiving was great. There was lots of food, as usual. My sister and I had a great time together. It was also nice to see Jeffy's sister and brother-in-law from NY. I barely held Owen at all on Thanksgiving, pretty much just to feed him.

Speaking of feeding Owen, he's going through a growth spurt right now...which means he's eating every 90 minutes-two hours. Thank goodness for the nipple shield. It saves me quite a bit of pain right now. We have definately gotten the nursing thing figured out. At last week's group, Owen had gained (drumroll please) 10 ounces! He should be over 10 pounds by now. probably close to 10.5 pounds if the trend continues. I look at him, knowing that he's about the size right now that his daddy was when he was born and wonder how Jeffy's mom did it.

Owen is really starting to smile a lot. I've found that walking my fingers up his chest and then tapping his nose gets him to smile consistently. If I'm having a bad day and he smiles at me, it's so much better!

Tree season started on Thursday. Jeffy's family runs several Christmas tree lots. Jeff is in charge of one, his brother another, and some people from church the third. On Sunday, he called me and said, "Hi, Honey. Now I don't want you to worry but I'm at TG (a hospital)." Turns out he managed to cut his finger really good and deep with his knife as he was trying to jab it into some wood. The lock on the (jack)knife was either released or released on its own and the blade swung around and cut him. He had surgery last night to repair the tendon that he cut 60% of the way through.

We had our first date since Owen was born a week ago. We went to see Harry Potter, and left Owen with Jeffy's parents. It was tough leaving him, even though I knew he was in great hands. I nearly cried as we were driving toward the movie theatre. The good thing with nursing him is that for my own comfort, I can't be away from him for too long. Yesterday was the longest I've been away from him - 4 hours and boy could I tell!

Today it snowed! Not much, and it didn't stick around for too long, but hey, snow is snow!


A Month Old! (and a week)

Owen turned a month old a week ago. I can't believe he's getting close to six weeks old! The time really is flying. He has some new tricks - he's cooing and smiling on purpose now! He is also gaining weight, something that had been a problem for the first four weeks. Babies are supposed to regain their birth weight by the time they are 2 weeks old. He did it in four weeks. We went on an exhausting three-step regimen of breast feeding (30-40 minutes including burping time), bottle feeding either expressed breast milk formula to suppliment what he got at the breast (10 minutes), and finally pumping milk to increase my supply (15-20 minutes including set-up, and putting the milk in the fridge). If you've don the math, that's around an hour or more. Then we got to start the whole rigamaroll again in one to to hours. This was being done round the clock. The good news is that it worked. We started on a Wednesday evening following an appointment with lactation at the hospital (Owen weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz.) and by Friday noon, he had gained 7 oz.!!! Go Little Man!!!! He has steadily gained an ounce each day since then. Too bad it took us 5 weeks to get nursing really established.

One nice thing at the hospital is a free mommy/baby group that is run by a lactation nurse. We go each Wednesday morning and weigh Owen to see what he's gained from the previous week. It was at this group that we found out that he wasn't gaining enough weight. It's been great to get together with other new moms. After group, we go out to lunch. Last week they were going to go to Olive Garden, but I didn't have enough cash on me for that (nor did I have the check book and I don 't have a credit card) so they offered to go to Jack in the Box instead so I could come. We sort of took over an entire wall of the restaurant between the 7 of us, plus babies, and strollers. I'll be going to the group until I go back to work.

We had Owen's one month check up with his pediatrician last Monday. He grew 2.5 inches in his first month - he's up to 23" long now. (fromt he 50th percentile to the 90th in 4.5 weeks!) He dropped percentiles in weight, but that is under control and will change by the next appointment.

I go to my doctor on Wednesday for my six week check-up. I'm hoping that because nursing has JUST been established that my doctor will extend my need for leave through Christmas. If not, I'll have to go back the first full week in December. I'm not looking forward to that prospect. I'm not ready! I really don't want to interrupt the nursing right now. It's at too critical a point. I'll keep you all posted.

We took our first professional family pictures last Monday also. Owen was so good. He opened his eyes on the last picture, but was pretty much asleep for the rest of the pictures. After pictures were taken, we noticed that Santa was at the mall (and there was no line at all)so we had a picture taken with Santa. We got the package that had four pictures in it - all 3.5 x 5 - one for each of my parents, one for Jeffy's parents, and one for us. It's darling! I can't wait to see what Santa brings for Owen this year!

My sister comes out on Wednesday for Thanksgiving. She has yet to meet Owen. Jeffy's sister and brother-in-law are also coming out on Wednesday and they also have not yet met Owen. Needless to say, he will be spending most of the time Thursday with these two aunts and his uncle. I'll probably only get him back to feed him or put him in the back bedroom to sleep or chill out if he starts getting too overstimmed.

I'll try to post pictures this weekend from Thanksgiving and my sister's visit.


Into a Routine

As the title says, we are getting into a routine. It's nice because it offers some predictability. Owen continues to mature and grow each day. It's fascinating to watch. This week, we introduced a bottle (filled with expressed breast milk) which he attacks each time he gets it. At this point, it's just one feeding a day, though some days he doesn't get enough from the bottle and still feeds for quite a while on the breast. We also introduced a 'plug' this week. He'll suck on it for a little bit, then spit it out and be fine. Yesterday he almost managed to get it back into his mouth on his own! I was amazed. He's a pretty smart little bugger. One of his favorite places to be is in his bouncy chair. He's even managed to get the music started on his own a couple of times by pulling on one of the fishies that hangs down.

We are still awakened by him only once or twice at night, which is a real blessing. As of last night, we are officially shieldless on all feedings! (I was using the shield at night just to save myself a little bit of pain. I'm getting tougher. The latch-on is still pretty painful, but once he gets going, it doesn't hurt, unless he decides to bite down.

Speaking of biting down, it's my turn to bite down on some food. Hope you enjoy the pictures. As the caption on one of them says, he's three weeks old in both of them.

How's it hangin'? (Owen is three weeks old in both pictures.)

Eating is such hard work!


On Our Own

Well, it's just Owen and Mommy today. So far, so good. It's 11:30 a.m., Owen's eaten, Mommy has eaten breakfast and showered, and Owen is napping in his crib. He should be waking up soon for his next feeding.

This morning, I laid in bed just listening to him cooing and 'talking' through the monitor. What wonderful sounds. I'm thinking of going to my college this afternoon and showing him off to a couple of people there. I really want to get out of the house. Maybe after lunch we'll do that. I'm also thinking of going out to Jeffy's mom's work on Wednesday (Jeffy doesn't have to work that day) so she can show off her new grandbaby.

I'm going to get myself lunch now while I still have a sleeping baby. Watch, as soon as I get into the kitchen and get things started, he's going to wake up...


The First Week

Owen is a week old, as of yesterday. He is amazing. For starters, he only fusses in about two or three situations - he's dirty, he's hungry and we don't pick up on his hunger cues soon enough, or he's being messed with (getting dressed or undressed or changed sometimes). He is a very hearty eater. We had an appointment with a lactation nurse on Monday and Owen passed with flying colors. We are continuing to use a nipple shield (or boob condom as Daddy calls it...) during feedings and he's getting a sufficient amount of milk. I'm also pumping after feedings four times a day to help with my supply (the shield can cause my supply of milk to be lower than if we weren't using the shield). Let's just say that my milk is definately in and that Owen likes it. He comes in to feed like a kamakazi pilot. It's pretty funny to watch. We also had our first appointment with the pediatrician on Tuesday and Owen again passed with flying colors. He gained an ounce between the lactation appointment on Monday and the peds appointment on Tuesday. The ped. said that he's looking great, the jaundice is clearing up (thanks in part to Mommy's milk), and he looks great.

Now that he is a week old, Owen is starting to realize that his crib is for sleeping and he can put himself to sleep at night. It's a really nice change from earlier in the week where he had to be totally out before we could put him in and have it work. Now, he can go in the crib slightly awake and be out without fussing! Yay Owen! The other great thing is that (and I know that some moms out there will hate us for this...) he feeds sometime between 10 and 11 at night, again between 2 and 3 in the morning, and then once again between 6 and 7. Mom and Dad get good chunks of sleep and we are loving it! Thank you, Owen!

Max, the cat, is getting Owen figured out. I was honestly worried about Max's reaction to Owen because Max doesn't like strange people, especially kids. Max is getting to the point where he realizes that Owen doesn't pose too much of a threat to him. He's been within inches of the baby (with Mom keeping a close eye on the interaction) several times now. He's pretty much stopped hissing at Owen, too. He hid for the first few days we were home. I honestly forgot we had a cat for those days.

Well, someone needs his pants changed. I'll try to write more soon.


Owen and Mommy - Four days old!

Bob is here!

Only he isn't Bob, he's Owen Gabriel. Born on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 1:31 p.m. Owen weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces and was 20.5" long. Imagine what his weight would have (could have) been if he had made it to his due date which is October 19. The doctor said Owen probably would have been close to 9 pounds. I am so glad he decided to come a week early. I was so ready for him to be born, as Jeffy and people I work with can attest to. The last few weeks were pretty miserable. I was big and majorly uncomfortable.

The basics for now (more later when he's not so hungry...) We went to see the OB on Monday afternoon, he did a pelvic and was at 2-3 cm. He told me he "moved some things around in there" and not to be worried if I started bleeding. He also told me that it may have been enough to put me into labor. Well, my contractions changed after we left his office on Monday night. I was really uncomfortable on Tuesday during the day at work. I even considered calling Jeffy and having him come get me. I got home, crashed on the couch, and realized that my contractions were starting to come quite quickly and they were more uncomfortable than ever before. By about 5:30, I knew I was in labor and that we needed to start timing the contractions. I finished packing my suitcase - there were things that I hadn't put in yet because I was using them between when I packed it initially and when we went to the hospital. Jeffy had dinner going (it came with us on paper plates, I didn't eat - wasn't hungry). We got there about 7:00 on Tuesday night and got a bed in the triage area of L & D where they monitored me for a little bit to see if I really was in labor. The nurse wasn't sure so she told us she wanted me to walk for about an hour to see if it made any changes in my cervix. As she finished telling us the game plan, the plan got changed. My water broke. I was staying.

Labor was a lot harder than I expeted. I stayed on top of things and my breathing worked for a few hours. THen the back labor set in. I couldn't deal with it anymore (especially after being stalled at 5 cm for four hours) so Iasked for drugs. There was only one problem. There was just one anesthesiologist available in the middle of the night and he was in on three c-sections. I was low woman on the totem pole. The systemic drugs they gave me through the I.V. worked for a couple of contractions, then didn't do any good. I finally got my epidural at 8:00 a.m., was ready to push by 10, pushed for two hours with very little progress. Luckily, I was able to wait and rest (drugs are good!) from about noon until about one when my OB came in. He offered me two options: push some more and see what happened, or go with a vaccuum assist. I took door number two. Good thing too, because turns out Owen was stuck and all the pushing in the world wouldn't have budged him. So, for 15-30 minutes I pushed like nothing else and the OB pulled. Owen finally his debut, daddy calling it (it's a boy! I saw the outdoor plumbing and thought, "That's a scrotum!") They layed him on my chest (he was so warm!) and I fell in love with another man.

I'll post pictures after I feed him.


One year and a new life

It's an interesting day. It was one year ago today that I had my miscarraige. I've done a lot of healing since then and generally, things are fine. I still have my moments, and I suspect I always will. I have learned several things in the last year. One is that I am a strong woman, stronger than I ever knew I could be. I have taken the attitude that while we may not be able to control what happens to us, we can control how we react and respond to those things we'd rather not deal with. I also know that I will cherish every moment I have with my children because I know what it is to have lost a child. I am in absolute wonder of this new life inside of me. Having lost Jacob, this child will be all that much more special. I wouldn't have this baby if I hadn't lost Jacob. Interesting how life works out, isn't it.


Finally, here's the 8-Month belly shot.


Down to the Wire - 38 Weeks

Well, we made it. It's the home stretch. I'm term (have been for a week), dilating (2 cm.), and effacing (70%). The baby could come at any time. I think I have a sub, but will find out for sure today sometime. My last day of work is scheduled to be next Wednesday, the 12th, with my due date on the 19th. I'll honestly be surprized if I make my due date. I'm taking things one day at a time, always in tune with what is going on. OB appointments are weekly now. It is absolutely unreal. I see other women ready to pop and think "I'll never get there", but now I am. The only other experience I can compare it to is getting married (always the bridesmaid, never the bride...) I am amazed that in a matter of days or weeks, we will be a family of three, and no longer just a couple.

I'm finding I have lots of energy (relatively speaking, of course) in the mornings, but by the end of the day, I have none. Jeffy is now also having to help me sit up in bed in the morning. He's really sweet about it, though he does laugh at me every day because I'm so pathetic at this point. This morning he tried to convince me that mornings are our friend. I told him "Nuh-uh. No way." He 'argued' back at me (we have these 'fights' pretty frequently - they're quite fun and very light-hearted), at which point I told him that "I reject your reality and substitute my own (thank you Adam Savage of the Mythbusters for that line). My reality is that mornings suck!" He just laughed. I hope we're in as good of humor when we're not getting full nights of sleep. It will make things easier and more fun.

My showers were fun. We got lots of great things for the baby, and one great thing for me! My brother-in-law's mother got me a gift certificate to a local salon and spa. I'm using it tomorrow afternoon, in conjunction with a couple of others I got last December, to get a maternity massage. I can't wait! We have lots of really cute clothes, but we'll need to get more once we find out if this child is Annabelle or Owen.

I know, people are waiting for pictures. I need to get my hind end on the computer at home and just do it.


35 or 8

I just looked at my blog and realized that it's been two weeks since I last posted. The weeks have been long and busy, but mostly busy. School is in full swing, this is our first full week. Next week we have four days of kids, then staff training on Friday. The week after that is full, then conferences in the afternoons Tuesday-Friday the first week of October. The second week of October has only three days in it for us with kids. The Thursday of that week is a staff training day, and then Friday of that week is a state inservice day. That's my last week of work before the baby comes (unless Bob or my doctor says otherwise.) Plans for my sub are coming along. I have classtime stuff done, I think. I just have to write down my procedures, plus what I want done for choir and how I do Recorders.

I am not sleeping as well as I used to. The first two nights of this week, I lost 6 hours of sleep. At least I slept well last night. I also have a cold, which isn't making things any easier. I know that when the baby comes, I won't be getting lots of sleep either, but at least I won't have to get up and go to work in the morning! That's what's killing me most right now. I go home and pretty much plant myself on the couch.

I have a consultation with a pediatrician this afternoon. I'm really excited. I've heard nothing but great stuff about this person and the practice she's in. I really hope I like her. I didn't like the last guy I talked with. He was bragging too much and I really didn't care for that.

Be looking for a new picture within the next few days, along (hopefully) with some pictures from my shower that is on Saturday. This is really getting real! The nursery is painted and we have all of the furniture in the house; the crib is assembled, the changing table is mostly assembled, shelves need to be filled, the dresser needs to be moved from our room to the nursery, boxes need to be taken out of the nursery, and sheets need to go on the crib (once we get them.


33 Weeks Down, Seven To Go

Well, the new school year is upon us. We start day after tomorrow. Open house is tonight. I'm excited to see the kids again. I decided this year to forego using butcher paper on my boards and went for the cloth option (which I'm noticing is a lot more popular this year). This involved going to my local fabric store and buying 11 different fabrics. No, I'm not going crazy with this idea. I use a cool curriculum called Recorder Karate, which borrows the belt system from the martial arts. There are nine belts. I bought fabric for each of the nine belts for my RK board, plus an additional solid color to use as a band across the top where my lettering is (that part is just paper cut on the Ellison machine. I cut out the fabric this weekend and tried sewing it together on my sewing maching, which isn't working properly and is really annoying me right now. Sunday night I just wanted to take it and throw it onto the highway from the overpass by my house. I spent a couple of hours last night at my in-laws sewing the things together. It looks fabulous! The board is about 4' tall and 11' long - which just so happens to be a length that is evenly divisible by 9 (for the belts)! That certainly made the math easy on how wide to make each strip. The kids will put their cards on the appropriate color when they earn the belts by playing a specific song. They move their cards along the board as they progress. They really enjoy it and it's highly motivational. Too bad I wasn't the genius who came up with it (though I am on an e-mail list with that genius!)

I'm doing my best to keep things organized and uncluttered this year. For those of you who know me well, you know that this will take major effort. I'm making this my goal ostly so that things are nice in here once I go on maternity leave in about 6 weeks. (Yikes! Is it really that close!?) I'm due in 7 and off the week before, provided the baby doesn't decide to come early. As long as I'm still pregnant on October 12, that will be my last day until January 3.

I was hoping to escape without any stretch marks on my belly. No such luck. I only have a few for now and they are relatively small. They probably appeared when I 'sploded last month. Hopefully I'll be able to keep them to a minimum.

We were awakened (or at least I was) at 5:00 this morning by about half a dozen fire trucks (just the engines and lights, no sirens thankfully). The house two doors down caught fire. It was under control pretty quickly and I don't think anyone was hurt. I never ended up going back to sleep. My alarm was set for 6:00 so I could be at work by 8:00. I was out the door shortly after 7:00. By that time, luckily, the Battallion commander's SUVs were moved from in front of our house so I could actually get out, as were all but two fire truck. At least the SUVs would have been easy to move had I needed to get out earlier than I did.

My plan tomorrow is to get class lists somewhat in order so I can be totally prepared for Thursday morning. I want to have my room ready to go the second I walk in on Thursday. Things where I need them, books and CDs in the appropriate places, stereo set up, etc.

Kids will be here in 2 hours! Yay!


31 Down, 9 to Go

Well, as you can see from my latest belly shot and it's caption, we had a major growth spurt these last five weeks or so. I looked at that picture after Jeffy took it, compared it to my 6 month belly shot and sorta freaked. No wonder I feel like I'm rolling out of bed like a beached whale.

As of yesterday, I am 31 weeks pregnant, that equates to 7 months on the nose. I can go anywhere from 6-10 or 11 more weeks. I'm down to counting on my fingers how many more weeks I have to go.

Childbirth classes continue to go well. The first week, we learned a little about relaxation. This week, we actually started learning some breathing as well as 'non-verbal touch' communication. The non-verbal part comes from Jeffy, not me. To simulate contrations, our teacher had us hold a handfull of ice for 60 seconds while we did breathing and swaying and while our partners did the massage thing. We also got to watch a couple of birthing videos. One was on the three stages of labor and birth (early labor, birth of the baby, birth of the placenta). When we got to the placenta part of this one, I had a really hard time dealing with it - flashback to last October, Jacob was still in his sac and attached to his placenta when I was holding him. My therapist told me that it would hit me when I least expected it. This was one of those times. It's been a rough week in that arena. I've been thinking about Jacob a lot.

The other video was following a woman through labor and to the birth of her child. The coolest part about that one was that during her early labor, she and her husband were walking around Wash(ington) Park in Denver. (For those of you who don't know, that's where I grew up.)

Seven Months...I 'sploded!


A Doozie of a Day

It is 7:15 p.m. In the last 24 hours we have been to the hospital twice. Once last night for the childbirth class, which was great. I'll elaborate more on that in another post. The second was this morning to visit my father in law who had a minor heart attack last night. He's ok. Will be released tomorrow in the morning. Can go back to work on Monday. Then while we were there, we found out that Jeffy's sister in NY is also in the hospital. No diagnosis yet. I promised my mother in law that I'm not going into labor anytime soon so not to worry about me. She smiled and laughed. At least we got the chance to time one route to the hospital on our way there this morning to visit my father in law. (8 minutes if anyone is interested.)


Painting and Panting

Jeffy is working on getting several rooms in our home painted. This weekend is the hallway. Once that is done, he'll do a couple of small touch-ups in the bathroom, then we get to start on the nursery! (Ok, he'll get to start on the nursery.) The two spaces he's painted so far (bathroom and hallway) look really nice. They've been off-white since we bought the place three and a half years ago. Color is a nice change. Makes it feel more like home and less like just a house.

As for the panting, I've been doing a bunch of that lately with the heat. We also are starting our prepared childbirth classes at the hospital this week. We have class each of the remaining Tuesdays of this month plus the first Tuesday of next month. I'm very excited. I can't believe it's time for these classes! I also can't believe that I'm really getting into the home stretch of 30-40 weeks. It's getting more and more real as each day goes on. I'm both excited and scared about everthing that will be happening in the next 8-12 weeks...mostly nervous about exactly what will happend during labor and birth. I hope that our classes will help prepare us for that, but I also am expecting that there will be surprizes involved in the whole process.


To Miss or Not To Miss

The stroller is put together, and the counted cross stitch for the wall is as done as it's going to get until October. I just realized today that we have 11 weeks until I'm due and there is still a huge amount that needs to be done. The nursery isn't even close to started, let alone finished. Ahhhh!!!!!!

Here are three short lists: Things I'll miss when the baby is born, things I won't miss when the baby is born, and things I'm really looking forward to once the baby is here

To Miss - feeling Bob moving inside of me, having Jeffy cater to my cravings, generally being pregnant, being able to get a fairly solid night's sleep

Not to Miss - feeling Bob moving inside of me when I'm trying to sleep, the various stomach ickieness (heartburn, indigestion, reflux, etc.) caused by said movements, only being able to sleep in one position, peeing all the time (or at least it feels like it...)

I Can't Wait - to see what this person is, to watch this little person grow, to be a mommy, to watch Jeffy being a daddy (he's going to be awesome!), to hold my baby for the first time, to begin life as a family of three instead of just the two of us, to see which traits come from my side and which come from Jeffy's side.


A Decision

I decided yesterday while soaking in the pool out in the back yard (an inflatable jobbie we got at Target earlier this summer) that I am going to do everything in my power to have a May baby next time. None of this pregnant during the hotness of late July and August thing. This is rediculous! Hopefully things will go as well in a few years as they have been this time so that we can easily plan and produce a May baby. At least our temperatures have stayed in the 70s and 80 most of the time so it hasn't been as miserable as in other parts of the country. Don't know how I would handle that 100 degree heat some places have been having...oh, yeah...they have AC there. We don't have a need for it here. Not enough hot days each summer to make it worth it.


Just a quick note

Went to the OB on Monday. Everything continues to be normal! Next appt in 4 weeks, then we go to every two weeks.

I have a very strong suspicion that this baby is a girl. When I was pregnant with Jacob, holding onto a little girl's hand (or holding a little girl on my lap) felt totally alien, whereas doing the same thing with a little boy was totally natural. This time it's reversed. I've noticed it on more than one occasion with various little girls (my niece, a friend's triplet cousins, kids at school at the end of the day, etc.) Time will tell, of course, but that is my suspicion. We'll find out some time in October.

We spent the day in Seattle today, as it's our third wedding anniversary. Went to a soup restaurant called Soup Daddy Soups, though we call it "No Soup For You!" There is even a signed picture of the Soup Nazi behind the counter. Yummy soup, yummy sandwiches, great atmosphere. It's in Pioneer Square if you are ever in Seattle.

Time for bed...



Not exactly how I wanted to do it, but it worked! The old program still works! Yay! Below you will see three ultrasound pictures and my most recent belly shot. :-)

"The Thinker" - do you see the right arm coming up with the hand resting on the chin? Still a front view of the face and chest.

I call this one Shrek. Do you see it? This is a front view of the face and chest (you can sort of see the ribs).

Profile with a hand

Next Belly Shot - Beginning of Third Trimester!

No luck on Photos

Sorry folks, you're going to have to wait another month to see last month's ultrasound pictures as well as my latest belly shot. I guess I'll have to do try that from school where there is a better (faster) connection as well as a different photo program. I'm bummed and frustrated about it.

I have not had much energy the last couple of days. I am fighting a cold, which is really knocking me out. I'll take Sudafed when I need it, but am getting lots of rest (yay summer break!) and am trying to get lots of fluids into me. Jeffy's working up in Seattle so he can't be here to take care of me (aren't I pathetic!?) Last night I was getting elbowed in the side repeatedly. Makes it really easy to get to sleep, huh?


In the Home Stretch

Today marks the 6 month mark! I'm just starting my third trimester! I am so exctied about this! I have three months left, and i know that they are going to absolutely fly by. Sleeping is getting interesting. We seem to have a conflict of interest going between me and the baby. I like to sleep on my left side, but that puts the baby face-down, which the baby doesn't like. I know this because every time I lay down on my left side, the baby squirms like crazy. Last night it felt like I had a gymnast in my belly. I finally conceded and turned over to my right side so we could both get some sleep. That is until I had to get up every three hours or so to use the restroom. And it's only just beginning!

I'm trying to upload pictures, both my belly shot from last night and a few ultrasound pictures from last month. Not much luck yet. Either that or it's just taking a year and a day. I don't have the patience for this right now. I'll try later today. Maybe I just need to do it at the beginning of a post. (Michele? Any hints?)

I think I'm going to head into school today for a little bit to do a couple of things. Hopefully I can get into my room. More later, including pictures!



I have been celebrating for the last week and a half...at my ultrasound, we saw that my cervix was a full centimeter longer/thicker than it was at my previous u/s. What a relief! For the first time in my life, I have a normal pregnancy! I was so afraid that it was going to be shorter and I was not going to be able to go to Chicago/Iowa this last week for a wedding. As it is, I can now do light exercise (yay!) and don't have to worry as much. I have decided, however, not to attend my high school reunion in late August because I'm afraid that something will happen either between now and then that will make it so I can't go, or something will happen there and I'll wish I was home.

At the u/s we saw lots of movement, and a bigger baby. According the the tech, the baby was 1 lb, 11 oz. and about 10" long. I'm sure we're pushing a foot and 2 lbs. at this point. Movement is getting more defined, more frequent, and stronger. I can sometimes tell when the baby is turning around, depending on my position and what I am doing. I've also been having Braxton-Hicks contractions. Just a tightening of my abdomen. Slightly uncomfortable, but nothing to worry about (i.e. normal for this stage in pregnancy).

That's all for now. I promise I'll post u/s pictures next time!


This is continuing to be wild. Within the last couple of days, I've watched my belly moving. Just jumps and jolts right now, but I know that soon I will be able to watch much more happening. It's pretty cool. It makes me laugh.

Not much else right now. Ultrasound on Monday so be looking for more pictures!


Belly Shot #2 - Taken on Father's Day - Nearly 23 Weeks (5 1/2 Months)


school news

in just over 30 minutes, this school year will officially be over. i thought i was done teaching on tuesesday, but got an e-mail wednesday morning saying that we would be teaching at my second school yesterday, which we should have had to close down our programs (contractual from the district). needless to say i was more than slightly miffed. i went in yesterday morning and, though it wasn't my intent, expressed my frustrations to the a.p. she in turn talked with the principal and a very nice, professional e-mail went out to the staff explaining the differences between classroom teachers and specialists in job duties and requirements and also complimenting the specialists for our professional manner of handling the whole situation.

i found out this week that for the first time in my career (this was my fifth year of teaching), i will NOT have any new schools next year. i will be returning to bryant, my main school with an extra day a week - bringing my time here up to four days/week - and for the fifth day, i'll be returning to the school where i was two years ago. that school is a mere 6 blocks from home. it will be nice. the staff is fabulous, the kids are wonderful, and the main music teacher and i get along very well. cohorts in crime of sorts. it will be a good situation all around. i'm looking forward to it, that's for sure.

my plan for the summer is to not set foot in my classroom until august when i come in to set up. i should be able to walk out of here this afternoon and be good for the next two months or so.

here's something scary: i realized last night that i am five weeks from the end of my second trimester. it has flown! i can't believe it!!!!!


End of the year and progress

Three more classes and I'm done teaching for the year! Yay! School is out on Friday and I have tomorrow to clean up/do inventory at my main school and Thursday to do the same at my second school. Friday is the awards assembly, which means it's not really a school day. The kids have been really helpful in the cleaning of my room. I've had so many kids in here willingly helping out. It's wonderful. A lot has been done already. That will make tomorrow easier on me, which is a good thing. I'll be able to take breaks as needed and still get everything done. I don't want to have to come back next week to finish up anything. I want to be able to fully enjoy my summer this year since it will be the last one without kids.

I'm excited for the summer. In two weeks Jeffy and I leave for a wedding in Iowa. We were going to drive but my OB just laughed when I told him that. Instead we are flying to Chicago, then driving from there to Iowa City - it's only 4 hours. We're staying with family friends in Chicago for a couple of days on either side of the wedding and driving down with most of the rest of the bridesmaids (I'm also a bridesmaid.)

Also in two weeks, I have my next ultrasound to check any progress on my cervix. Hopefully it's thickened up a little bit since last time. My mom will be in town and is going with me. Do you think she's excited about this? (Don't think too hard...) She'll also be going with me to my monthly OB appointment that same afternoon. Bob has been getting much stronger lately, judging by the kicks I've been getting. Some of them feel like pops...and they are lower down so they really aren't comfortable. Ah, well. I'm still enjoying it. Every kick, every movement reminds me that she's nice and strong and healthy. All good things. :-) Things are continuing to go well.

On Sunday we went and registered at Babies 'R' Us. Spent an hour there and still didn't get done. I have some questions I need to ask people before we register for some things. We got the bedding set picked out, the exercise station, lots of little things for the diaper bag (and we picked out that too), books, a changing pad, etc. (Kristen, I'm going to be calling you to ask about some things and whether you used them or not and what you'd recommend.)

Jeffy was so funny when I mentioned going and registering on Sunday morning. He curled up into a ball and put his arms covering his face, saying "I'm going invisible!" I laughed and told him that I guess that meant that I had control of the remote then. That got him un-invisible. It was fun. He got the scanning gun at B-R-U and even scanned some things that we will need but that I hadn't thought of. I'm glad he went with me.


The Amazing Disappearing Belly Button!

Ok, so my favorite part to watch change is my belly button. First the lower lip disappeared, now the top lip is on its way out. My navel looks like an eye, with the top lip being the eyelid and the bottom being the iris of the eye. It's pretty funny.

I discovered this afternoon how to get Bob to move - CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! I had a couple of handfulls of M & M's (left over from Vegas - what irony) and lo and behold, movement! Yay! I was actually beginning to worry a little since I hadn't really felt anything much in a few days.

Off to the windy city tomorrow for the long weekend. :-) It was flirting with 90 here today so I'll be glad to get to a little bit cooler temps. I ended up taking my kids out to the park which is adjacent to the school and we did Dancing in the Park today. One of my favorite lessons to do. The kids love it too. I stayed in the shade all day long. It was really nice. My stage, on the other hand, was not. It was hot and stuffy. There are no windows and only one door, which leads to the lunchroom, so no chance of any ventilation. I had one third of my classes (3 of 9) in there. The two in the a.m. weren't so bad but the one in the p.m. was horrid. It was hot and stuffy. A fan would only have moved around the hot air so I decided against that. Looks like summer's going to be a blast...can you hear the sarcasm in my voice? I'm praying for 70s most of the summer, at least while we're here. It can get as hot as it wants here while we're out of town. :-)


18 weeks, 1 day

This is going to be short since I have kids coming in in about 5 minutes...

The minor complication is my cervix. It's slightly shorter (thinner?) than they would like it to be. For right now we're taking a wait-and-see approach, with a re-check in about 6 weeks. Other than that, things look good. I just need to take it easy, which isn't a problem. :-) Please keep us in your prayers! This is slightly stressful.


10 toes! Yes, the feet are backward because the legs are crossed.

The fingers are either going straight up or straight down. My guess is that up in the picture is where the tips are. You can also see the skull.

I think that's a hand in the middle of the picture.

The bit above and toward the top of the skull is a hand.

The head is toward the left of the picture. You can really see the skull formations here, including where the eyes are! This is a frontal view. Smile baby!

The baby wasn't cooperating too well at first. Here we see the back of the head, with and arm and hand also in the picture

The heart is directly above the spine.


Today was our ultrasound. What a trip! We got to see the baby moving, I got to feel the baby moving while we were watching it, and things look great! I'm posting six of the pictures we got to take home today.

We will need to talk with the OB about one thing tomorrow that can be worrysome. I'll post more about that when I have more info and know what he wants to do about it. It has nothing to do with the baby and everything to do with me, though I'm not sure I have any control over it. There are two possible fixes that I can think of, and both of them are relatively easy. I'll do whatever it takes to keep this little one alive. I promise I'll post again tomorrow after our OB appointment. Please don't worry about us, though.

Enjoy the pictures! For orientation purposes, up in the pictures is my belly, down is my back, to the left is toward my head, and to the right is toward my feet. The baby is currently laying with it's head down. The placenta is right in front, which is fine and explains why the movement I feel in the front is less strong than movement other places. Actually, the baby is moving right now! Bob's been really active today. Moving almost non-stop. What a kick! (Pardon the pun...)


There's the belly! Taken on Mother's Day.

Kid Funnies

My students are so funny! One little boy (he's 5) told his mother one night last week that he thought I had been eating fast food on more than just special occasions. Luckily, she works with me and knew already I was pregnant so she just told her son to talk with me about it. He's super excited! Today at school, one of my first graders asked me what it meant when my tummy got bigger. I told her that it meant that the baby was getting bigger.

Depending on what I wear, there is a definate pooch from the front. :-) Of course, finding clothes for certain occasions is getting interesting. For example, Jeffy and I are helping chaperone the junior prom at the high school where he works on Saturday night. The mom I mentioned above is bringing by a dress that she wore when she was pregnant with her son. She and I are about the same size and build so maybe it will work! I'm excited to try (it's a strapless - I finally have enough up top to hold it up! Yay!)

My next ultrasound is on Monday, then my OB appointment is on Tuesday. Can you tell I'm excited!?


I'm a treadmill....

Well, this kid is very active. I was sitting on the couch last night and felt this fluttering off and on for about 45 minutes. Wow! The kicking was all in the same place, hence calling myself a treadmill. What an amazing and awesome feeling. I was filled with so many different emotions all at once. Relief, awe, amazement, excitment, joy, wonder...I really can't explain it. I guess those of you who have been through this and have experienced feeling your child move inside of you for the first time know what it's like. I had good tears just streaming down my face. (I called my mom just to make sure that's what I was actually feeling.) I'm excitedly awaiting the next time I feel Bob move. Wonder if it will be in a different spot or in the same spot...time will tell. This is really real now! I have a little person growing and living inside of me. :-)


Testing the Rumor Mill

Well, the secret is no longer secret at school. I had a 4th grader ask me today if I was pregnant (apparently I had my hand resting on my enlarging belly while we were talking). So, I didn't lie! It will be really interesting to see how long it will take for the news to get around school to all of the kids. My bet is by the end of the day tomorrow. Good news travels fast there. Some kids just looked at me in disbelief when they heard. It was quite amuzing.

What a beautiful day we had today! Good thing too. So far I'm 3-for-3 on my walks to the Tacoma Symphony with my 4th-6th graders. It hasn't rained once in the last three years. Today we had a perfect sunny day, probably near 70. The kids liked the concert (it's a free one that the TSO puts on for area 5th graders each year. We're a mile away from the theatre so we walk. It's just easier that way.) I actually came home and put on shorts this afternoon. If we only get one nice and sunny day this week, I'm glad it was today!

I'm gonna get Jeffy to take a belly shot of me soon! My bellybutton is starting to disappear. First to go is the bottom lip. :-) I'm finally starting to feel pregnant and this is finally starting to feel real. I also should be able to feel movement any day now. I"m so excited for that! I'm 16 weeks today. In a week or two, I'll be through with my fourth month. In four more weeks, I'll be half-way there to the end. :-)


Over the Hump!

We made it! I went to the OB today after school just to hear the heartbeat. (They said I could come in any time for this!) It was there, once again nice and strong. 164 bpm, I think. I also heard a static-like sound that the nurse said was the baby moving around, as if to say, "Quit crowding me, Mom!" It was great.

Tomorrow marks the point in my pregnancy when I started cramping last time. The fact that there is a strong heartbeat this time is a really good sign. I can officially relax and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy now! Yay!

I got 6 red roses yesterday from Jeffy - one for each month left to go. What a sweetie!

Ultrasound in 3 weeks. I'll post pictures then.


14 Weeks, 1 Day

We had our 14 week OB appointment yesterday. It went well. We heard a nice strong heartbeat (153/154 bpm) again, so I really feel that things will be just fine. I also recorded the heartbeat on my MP3 player so I can listen to it whenever I want! LOL

I'm about to the point wehre I'm ready to answer 'yes' if any of my kids at school ask if I'm pregnant again. It's starting to become obvious, so I bet that will happen within the next few weeks.

I have lots to do before my next appointment in 4 weeks. We go in for another ultrasound (to check organs and the like, I'm guessing) right before my next appointment and then we'll take the results in and talk about them with my OB. I'll also go in for blood screening tests for certain birth defects. This is pretty typical nowadays. I'm not worried. :-)


Good News

My trip to the doctor yesterday yielded good news. The rash is nothing to worry about, just a combination of dry skin (duh!) and whacked-out horomones. What my doctor said after looking it up was, "It's not worrysome, but it is rare." She gave me a very mild steroid Rx that I'm not even sure I'm going to fill. Aveeno is working just fine and the rash is going away on its own. Guess I'll just have to remember to keep lathered and hydrated this summer while we're on our trip to Iowa and Denver. Lotion at least twice a day. Not that that's a bad thing! LOL

Next OB appointment on Tuesday. I'm slightly anxious. I want to hear that heartbeat again!


A Rash

So last week while I was in Denver, I developed a rash. It started in my right elbow pit, then in my left, then up and down the insides of my arms. Finally, it started going across my belly. I've called my g.p. and have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. I also called my ob this afternoon and talked with the nurse. She's going to talk with the doctor when he gets back in and then call me back after school. She doesn't think that Bob is in jeopardy, but I want to make sure. I don't know what caused my rash. It just sort of showed up. I think it's going away slowly, but not quick enough for my liking. I'll keep everyone posted, but in the meantime, please pray that everything will be ok.

On a happier note, tomorrow is the start of my second trimester. I go off of the progestrone on Saturday (when my pills run out.) I have an ob appointment next Tuesday. I just hope that things don't go bad before then. I can't help but be worried.


D-Day #1, 11 1/2 weeks

What a day today was. Very emotional on many fronts. For starters, it was my due date with Jacob. We had some family and friends over to be with us as we planted the two clamatis vines in the back yard. Jeffy said some nice things. I really didn't say much of anything. Don't think I could have without breaking down. They look very nice. I'll post pictures when I can get a good shot without it raining.

It was also a little strange today because of the Pope's death. While I was alive when the last Pope died, I was just a baby, maybe a year old so I don't remember it. John Paul II has essentially been the Pope my entire life. He was a great man with a wonderful sense of humor - I remember at World Youth Day in Denver (1993) he messed up his own name! It was pretty funny and he laughed right along with the rest of us.

Off to Denver tomorrow for the week. Got a dress to get made for a friend's wedding in July (Hi, Suzanne!) Plus people to see, places to go, things to do. What a wonderful way to spend spring break! And the airfare is on United! (We got bumped at Thanksgiving so we each got a round-trip ticket for anywhere in the lower 48. I'm using mine this week.)




It's been just over a week since we had our first OB appointment. It was about the quickest we've ever gotten in and out of there - ever! The appointment was at 3:45, we were done and out of there by 4:05 or so. Nice.

Going in, I was hoping to hear the baby's heartbeat but I knew that it might have been a little bit early to be able to do that. My doctor told me that before he got the Doppler and not to worry if we didn't find it that day. He put the gel on my belly, set down the microphone (is that what it's called?) and boom! Right there was the heartbeat...at 174 beats/minute. This is a great heartrate, especially so early. What he told us that means is that now instead of having a 20% chance of miscarrying, I now have just a 5% chance. I like them odds! I'm totally at ease. My due date is October 19.

This Saturday is my due date with Jacob. Dad was up here last weekend helping us pick out a couple of vines to plant on Saturday. We got two Clamatis vines. They are beautiful. I'll post a picture once they are planted and the pergola on the patio is up (we're going to train them to go up and over the pergola.) Mom comes up tomorrow afternoon to be here for the planting.

My morning sickness is pretty much gone. Now I have to deal with night sickness. At least I get to make it through the day feeling pretty good and then start feeling icky around dinner/bed time.

I had a program last night at school. Not only did we have to pull out five of the lunch tables to accomodate people, but that wasn't enough! We still had people standing. Plus, my kids did so well, they got a standing ovation. I've never had that happen before! What a cool thing! One more major program to pull off this year and then a recorder showcase in June. That one will be easy because the kids will just play up to the song they've finished with and sit down. Nice and easy. This year I should also have a duet or two also.

More later. I hope to start posting more once I'm done with my first trimester and have a bit more energy. Just a couple more weeks! I'm at 11 weeks right now. :-)


9 Weeks, 5 Days - I did *what* this weekend!?

I still can't believe all I did this weekend...

I had a half day on Friday. Good thing, too. I came home and crashed on the couch for several hours until it was time to go to my Mary Kay thing that went from 7-10 on Friday night...for those of you who don't know, I start turning into a pumpkin at about 7 each night...then had to get up and be downtown by 8 on Saturday for day two. I got home around 4:30 Saturday afternoon, changed clothes, ate a quick dinner and the Jeffy and I went to the PBR (Pro Bull Riders) event at the T-dome. It was loads of fun. We had great seats! Too bad my favorite rider (Adriano Moraes, from Brazil....:-P) got bucked off with just under a second to go (they have to stay on the bull for 8 seconds). I crashed at about 7:30 or 8:00.

Needless to say, I spent most of today on the couch. I haven't even gotten out of my jammies today. Not that that's a bad thing... I want my evenings back! I want more energy!

First OB appointment in two days. Yay! Maybe we'll get to hear the heartbeat.


A Day Off

That's what I needed this week. I have been up several nights a week in the middle of the night for at least two hours. It was really affecting me. I was massively exhausted - ok, totally worn down - plus Wednesday night I got a migraine...ugh...so I took Thursday off and just rested and took care of myself. It was just what I needed. I was up at 2 (that's a.m.) doing sub plans and calling in for a sub. I had Jeffy drop them off at school Thursday morning. Turns out that was all for naught. I didn't end up getting a sub. When I went back yesterday, I was so rested and in a great mood. I'm really glad I did that. Isn't it nice when we make good decisions like that!?

I think I'm going shopping today for a dress for Easter, my spring concerts, and my sister-in-law's wedding since nothing I have is fitting right anymore. Wish me luck! I hope the stores have some nice dresses now!


Day to Day

I am learning that I have to take things day to day. Some days I feel great, others not so great. Yesterday was a 'feeling great' day. Today was a 'not feeling so great' day. I guess my breakfast didn't help...Krispy Kremes...I guess I'll be avoiding those for at least another few weeks. I'm honestly amazed that I made it to lunch without making a mad dash to the bathroom. I actually gave serious consideration to going home at the half-day mark today. Luckily I got loads of energy (at least temporarily) and ate a few tortilla chips which helped settle my tummy.

I have an amazing 'family' who now know about Bob. I am part of an e-mail list sponsored by Music K-8 magazine (how I taught without this magazine or list for three years is beyond me.) I announced my pregnancy to them yesterday and have since received so many supportive e-mails, prayers, and congratulations. If any of you are reading this, you rock!

Well, I'm half way to being able to relax a little bit. I'm trying not to worry too much but I can't help but be aware of every little tinge or cramp. I'm about 7-1/2 weeks pregnant now and I was just past 15 weeks when I lost Jacob, hence being half way there.

Jeff's sister-in-law called last night to see if we wanted their gliding rocker. Of course I said, "YES!" One less thing to buy. :-)

7:00 p.m. Time to start getting ready for bed. I know, I'm a wuss. But I'm a pregnant wuss! LOL....


Make room for Bob!

Early Ultrasound

I went for my ultrasound today. We have a live one! The heart is beating. I didn't expect to get to hear the heartbeat but I did, thanks to the wand that was used for my ultrasound (couldn't do it the normal way since I'm not far enough along for that to do any good.) I'm including a picture with this post. The baby is roughly 8 millimeters from crown to rump (head to tush). Lots of growing left to do, but right on schedule! Everything looks good so far! Yay!!! The funniest part about the entire appointment was that I was so excited about things that I forgot to have the tech validate my parking and had to go back and have her do that. Oops!

As for me, I have a touch of morning sickness - I wake up with an icky tummy, but as long as I munch on some crackers before I get up, the day goes decent. If I don't munch on those crackers, I'm no good until I get home from work. Lunch for the last week or so has been Ritz crackers and an apple. Yum. I've even lost a couple of pounds, but I suspect that they will come back fairly quickly.

In the picture, Bob is the little bit on the right-hand side of the black area. The yolk sac is right above Bob, I think. It will go away in a few weeks.


Take Two

We had a very exciting Valentine's Day weekend...

All week a couple of weeks ago I was very tired and constantly visiting the restroom so I did a test on Sunday morning (Feb 13) ...boy did those two lines show up fast! I went in for a blood test confirmation the next day. I am 6 weeks pregnant! No due date yet, but I think I'll be due in mid-late October. Maybe we'll bring our baby home from the hospital in a pumpkin costume.

I have my first ultrasound next week. If there is anything interesting to share with that, I'll post the picture(s).

Oh, yeah. We're calling the baby "Bob" in-utero. Bob is short for Baby On the Bladder.


9-11 Exhibit

What follows may be slightly disturbing to some. It is my response to seeing an exhibit of things from September 11. There is nothing graphic, just emotional. Consider yourself warned.

The Washington State History Museum here in T-town has a Smithsonian exhibit with things recovered from Ground Zero, the Pentagon, and things left at the site in Shanksville, PA. The museum also has free entry on Thursdays after 5. Jeffy and I took advantage of that deal yesterday. Man, what a powerful exhibit. It was very silent and reverent in the exhibit. There were a couple of things that really spoke to me in big ways. The first was 2 pieces of an airplane found at Ground Zero, one of the pieces was the window opening of the airplane. All I could think about was that someone had gotten on that plane that morning, looked out that window, and had no idea that they were about to die. Who knows, maybe they looked out that window as the plane was flying into the WTC tower. It was like looking into someone's soul. No words to really describe my emotions. The other 'artifact' I saw was a pair of shoes, much like a pair I own, that a survivor had taken off as she was trying to get down the stairwell in one of the towers. She had taken off her shoes because she thought she could go faster in bare feet.

They also had a 10-minute video presentation with footage from Good Morning America, and ABC News' subsequent coverage of the events of that terrible day. Watching that was like turning back the clock. I just sat there, with my hand over my mouth, silently crying and gasping at times as I watched the events play out on 'live' television. The report of the first plane to hit the WTC, the report of the second, listening to the reporter's reaction as he watched the second plane fly right into the tower. (I had just woken up on the actual day when this happened.) The live coverage as the towers fell, the coverage at the Pentagon. It brought back a flood of memories. I was wondering through the whole experience last night if I was glad I am old enough to understood the full impact of what happend that day, this brought on by the families there with young children who really didn't grasp what they were seeing. I still don't know whether I'd rather be blissfully unaware of the significance of what happened or not. Maybe I should be glad to have lived in a simpler time and to be old enough to have that in my memory.

There were so many things to take in. I suspect I'll be going back, and likely paying to go back so as to avoid the massive crowds which are sure to be there on Thursday nights once the word gets out.


Long Weekend

I love three day weekends. This one has been great. I've done a lot but also not a whole lot, if that makes any sense. My mother has been in town for the weekend. Tomorrow will be "Take your mother to work day." I'm excited! The kids know she's coming and are excited too. We've had a good time doing whatever we feel like doing. Today we went to go see Phantom. The movie is very well done, but not as good as the stage version in my opinion. There's just something about seeing a show live and in person.

It's really rainy today. At least that means it's somewhat warm. No heat wave by any means (unless you live near the Arctic Circle, I guess, in which case it's downright tropical!)

What's really been funny the last couple of weeks has been the predictions and accumulations of snow in some parts of the region. People here freak out whenever the word "snow" enters the forecast. We got a light dusting at our house last weekend, but nothing more than that. Places farther north from here (like the other side of Seattle) have had inches...it's paralyzing. That cracks me up. The people here are whimps when it comes to that beautiful four letter word! LOL

Not much else going on so I guess I'll end this one here.