
"It hurts, Mommy!"

that's what owen told me yesterday, while pointing to his right ear. so, we're going to the doctor today. when i ask him if his left ear hurts, he tells me it doesn't. good news is that he can verbalize that now. the other good news is that this is the first ear infection we've had in over a year, and we made it through the winter without tubes. i'm quite relieved. hopefully this will respond to meds. we'll also have to make an appointment with the ent - he said he wanted us to come in if we had another infection. i hope we can do that next week when i'm on spring break. today will likely be spent on the couch, watching movies, etc. lilo and stitch is on right now, until it's time to go to the doctor.

oh, and there's finally movement on getting my car taken care of after the bus hit it at the beginning of february. their adjuster is coming out today to look at my car since they didn't like the total we got from the body shop here (there was a dent that was pre-existing, but it's right where my car got hit and the body shop we went to said they wouldn't guarantee their work unless they fixed it). i'll present them with our estimate anyway.


I want to crawl under a rock

I found out today that yet another tragedy has struck people I know. This time, a girl Jeff went to high school with was attacked by her step-father with an axe and she died later in the hospital. The step-father killed her mother before he attacked Bretta. I am totally in shock. I met her a couple of times at the place were Jeff and I met. They're doing a thing for her on Saturday night so we're going there for dinner before we go to the PBR.

This is just the latest in a long line of cruddy things that have affected either me or people I know and care about starting in August of last year, and the third thing since 2009 started.