
call him georgie

as in georgie porgie...yesterday we were at amanda's house for a gathering to remember bretta, a friend of jeff's from high school who was murdered by her step-father a few weeks ago. owen was running around and playing with the other kids while the adults were talking. he was coming inside and pulling out random women to to push him on the swing. just took thier hand and dragged them out. later in the evening, he fell the foot and a half off of the steps and landed on his rear. i picked him up and held him for a little bit. then, he reached for audrianna (amanda's daughter) and wanted to get a hug from her. when he hugged her, she started bawling. amanda and i just started howling with laughter. where's the video camera when you need one? if only we could rewind time and bring it with us to the door to catch that...

swimming lessons yesterday went so well. he's a total fish. he let the teacher hold him while he floated on his back. he did chicken-airplane-soldier with her, too. it took him most of last session to get to do this. yay! when i picked up his report card from last session, it said he should move up to super pike. we'll do that next time (i registered him for another session of pike).


a breath of fresh air

owen was his normal, helpful, cooperative little boy today. yay! he woke up in a different mood this morning. i missed my little boy the last two days.

as for the bath tablets, i think what happened is that the drain cover got knocked off and the tablets dissolved and the color just went down the drain. owen's hands were the normal color today. that's all i can think of.

owen requested a new food today as we were packing for the zoo: string cheese. yahoo!!!! he gobbled it down.


Is Super Nanny coming?

today i totally feel like i could be one of those moms on the super nanny shows who have kids who are totally out of control. owen has been driving me nuts today. he's spent the entire day basically being the gingerbread boy...you know: run, run, as fast as you can. you can't catch me, i'm OWEN. before i had the chance to put the lid back on his meds for his ear infection, he grabbed the bottle and started drinking right from it...after i gave him his proper does. he's been totally defiant today. i still don't know where the two colored tablets that we put in the bathtub went. instead of helping put his laundry away, which he usually does very willingly, he was playing around in the hamper and in the wicker basket. he was also climbing on his bed, jumping in the clean clothes i was attempting to fold. he refused to sit on the potty so i closed him in the bathroom and took care of the garbage can outside. by the time i came back in, he had pooped and was ready to get in his jammies. now he's in his room for the night.

oh, yesterday was jeff's birthday and he was playing around with the tablecloth on the table before dinner. i asked him multiple times to *not* pull on it. well, silly me, i put my wine glass on the table cloth and went into the kitchen to take care of some things. he pulled the tablecloth off of the table...red wine and all.

this is why i am not a stay-at-home mom. he does so much better when he goes to school during the day.