
It's been a while...

Let's see here. What all has happened since my last post...in December....We don't have an official diagnosis beyond Sensory Integration Dysfunction and have been getting OT to help with that since March or so. We love the OT place and the OT. The specialist we've been seeing is hesitant to diagnose Owen just yet. We go in next month and hopefully, due to things that have happened in the past couple of months, get a definate diagnosis.

Owen is doing quite well otherwise. He is reading up a storm (which is so cool to watch and listen to), and has become fascinated by the states. He can identify all 50, on and off of the map, and knows the capital of each. One of his favorite things to do while we are driving around is to call out the state plates he sees. My favorite mispronounciation is "Hokaloma". He has recently started a collection of postcards from the different states where family and friends either live or visit. He loves getting the mail. My mom started it and it has really taken on a life of its own.

In May, Owen and I were in a car accident. We were stopped at a red light, as was the lady behind us. She was rear-ended and pushed into our car. We escaped serious injury, but I have been receiving PT for whiplash since the Friday of Memorial Day weekend.

I will be changing teaching positions this fall. I am sad to leave the school where I have been for the past 8 years, but a change was needed. Owen will continue to be at that school.

I have also taken up running and am trying to get to the point where I can actually run in a 5K. I had signed up for one before the car accident and had to walk it instead of run it due to my injury. I have another one coming up in the middle of August and am hoping to be able to run in that one.