
watching wheel

owen and i are watching wheel of fortune right now. he's loving the letter bit and is telling me how many of whichever letter is in the puzzle.

i found out today that kindergarten (and prek at my school) registration begins march 2. i can't wait to get owen registered for prek at my school. it's going to be such a good thing for him. he needs the academics that will be offered instead of just the daycare environment. i love his daycare this year. his teacher is wonderful. she's teaching the kids spanish (she's from mexico) and owen is just gobbling it up. according to her, when it's somethign he already knows (like the alphabet or colors or counting), he's bored. when it's something new or challenging, like words in spanish, he's totally attentive. montessori will be great for him. the more i see, the more logical i find it really is.

i stepped on the scale last week and i'm no longer in my desired range. i'm below my desired range by 5 lbs. i guess that'll be my new range, huh? i'm considering them bonus lbs. i actually match my driver's license!!!!! this meanst that from my heaviest (i sneaked up to 180 at one point), i've lost a total of 50 lbs. i feel great and love it! if i keep it up and am where i am now when i get pregnant again, i'll end my pregnancy between 5 and 15 lbs. above where i was when i got pregnant with owen. that will be so cool! the only thing that i hope to change between now and then is adjusting my curves...though i've earned them so i may let them stay. we'll see.

today was the first of two programs put on my by upper el kids (4th and 5th graders). we've been workign on recorders and they all (all 87 of them) learned how to read music. they were amazing. it was the first time they all played together and have never done better. my principal was totally amazed that all of them were reading the music. they had a blast, especially with the last song, during which i was dancing on my podium (three aerobic steps stacked on eachother).



i did it! i made the first part of my weight-loss goal. i stepped on the scale earlier this week and found that i have lost (drum roll please!) 35 lbs. since i started this venture in june. not only is my baby weight gone (from both pregnancies), but so is mos of my newlywed weight. in 5 more pounds, i'll be at the bottom of my desired range. if if can go between what i weigh now and 5 lbs less, i'm one happy mama. i've been getting into clothes lately that i haven't been able to wear in years and years.

i went to the y yesterday morning and was on the bike for an hour. it helps that we meet the fam there at 8:30 and owen has swimming lessons at 10. makes me spend more time on the equipment. :-)



today was spent with two friends from high school, neither of whom i've seen since basically we graduated.  it was like the last 13 years didn't happen.  we picked up right where we left off.  ani lives in seattle and enyinne currently lives in pittsburgh but is applying to residency programs here.  she could be as close as seattle and as far away as portland (2 hours from me).  in high school, we talked about living next door to each other.  that may be more of a reality than i ever though.  maybe not next door neighbors, but certainly close enough that girl's weekends will be possible.  she will know three people in the area (four including her guy who has already matched at the uw).  by extension, all of our friends could be her friends as well.  we went to lunch on the water, then i took the two of them for a tour around my city.  new inside jokes were made.  they both fell in love with owen immediately.  who can blame them?

as we were starting our tour, ani noticed a few snow flakes.  by the time we got back to my house, it was a little more regular.  now we are getting close to an inch (i'm guessing).  it's all over the roads, sidewalks, streets, parked cars...  i'm hoping for only a 2 hour delay tomorrow, not another day off.