
Long Weekend

I love three day weekends. This one has been great. I've done a lot but also not a whole lot, if that makes any sense. My mother has been in town for the weekend. Tomorrow will be "Take your mother to work day." I'm excited! The kids know she's coming and are excited too. We've had a good time doing whatever we feel like doing. Today we went to go see Phantom. The movie is very well done, but not as good as the stage version in my opinion. There's just something about seeing a show live and in person.

It's really rainy today. At least that means it's somewhat warm. No heat wave by any means (unless you live near the Arctic Circle, I guess, in which case it's downright tropical!)

What's really been funny the last couple of weeks has been the predictions and accumulations of snow in some parts of the region. People here freak out whenever the word "snow" enters the forecast. We got a light dusting at our house last weekend, but nothing more than that. Places farther north from here (like the other side of Seattle) have had inches...it's paralyzing. That cracks me up. The people here are whimps when it comes to that beautiful four letter word! LOL

Not much else going on so I guess I'll end this one here.