
Partial Diagnosis

Yesterday Owen had the Vineland Assessment. Basically they interviewed me while Owen was being observed through a one-way mirror (I was also in the room while he was being observed.) Initial findings after the interview are that he definately has sensory processing issues (which I could have told you), and that he seems to be functioning at below a three-year-old level for socialization. The social worker who admisinstered the assessment thinks that Asperger's is definately likely, especially given his low socialization skills. She'll call me either today or tomorrow to let me know how the assessment yesterday ended up scored. I am spending part of today calling around to places that do OT to see who can get Owen in for an eval to start helping him learn to cope with the sensory issues.


Next steps

Tomorrow we have the Vineland Assessment. It's two hours of somehting. I really don't have a clue what to expect. It is, however, a step toward possibly getting services for Owen at school, if he qualifies. We also have to make this appointment if we want to keep our PedPsych appointment in a month. I programmed tomorrow's appointment into my cell with an alarm an hour before. We should be in good shape. I'll post tomorrow and let you all know what went on. I don't anticipate having any answers until we go to see the specialist next month.