
It's A Good Thing He's So Cute!

We were up at 3:45 this morning demanding to be fed. Joy. It made me a little late to work this morning because even though we were done feeding by 4:15, I didn't get back to sleep until close to (or maybe even after) 5:00. It was rough getting up this morning. Hauling my hind end out of bed in the morning is harder the closer to Friday we get. Add being up for an additional hour-plus this morning and it was harder yet. Like I said, it's a good thing Owen's so darned cute. At least it's not an every night sort of thing.

One thing I forgot to mention in my last post is that Owen was baptized a couple of weeks ago. My parents came up from Denver, my sister from Omaha, plus we had a bunch of family and friends who live in the area who came. It was a good weekend. It was also too short of a weekend. I would have liked to spend more time with my family. The Sunday morning, as we were getting ready to leave for church, my parents came over and the first thing they said was, "Well, we're not at X hotel anymore." There was a fire in the kitchen at their hotel so they were up in the middle of the night finding a new hotel. There wasn't much damage done to the hotel, which is good. It just reeked of smoke when we went back on Sunday afternoon to figure out the money issue. (They were only charged for the Friday night, and not for Saturday or Sunday nights.) During the actual baptism, neither Owen, nor the other baby who was being baptized even flinched when the water was poured over their heads. We decided that it had to have been somewhat warm. Owen slept through the whole thing! Brunch was at our home afterwards. It was nice. I'll get a picture of the quilt I designed and my mother made once we get it up in his room.


Back in the Saddle Again

Back to work as of two weeks ago. It was rough the first day. I'd really rather be at home with Owen but, as Jeffy says, "Gotta make that money, honey." It's good incentive to get home as soon as the workday is over. I even get to nurse Owen right when I get home on Mondays. :-)

I've had a technologically frustrating return to work. I turn on my computer on Jan 3 (the first day back after the holidays) and have no network connection at all. This means I don't have internet access in my room and it also means that I can't print from my room. I can't even save to Global Shared (the school network) and print things from my computer on another computer. To access e-mail, I have to go to the lab, which is right next door. It's still a pain because there are three 10 minute chunks in my day when I am essentially stuck behind my desk (pumping) and am unable to do anything else. I like being able to use that time for e-mail or other productive computer usage. After two weeks and three many phone calls to tech services, I finally got things fixed yesterday. I called the first day back, nothing happened the first week except for a brief uninterruption of internet service on the 6th. I then called the next week (last week) a couple of times and was finally told that someone would be out either Monday or Tuesday of this week. Seeing as Monday was a holiday, the tech guy came out yesterday. I told him that it wasn't my computer, that it was the box (he confirmed my diagnosis). All it took to fix the problem was switching out one part that has had a habit of "going stupid" (to quote tech guy #2) in the district. Nice to know that it's a quick and easy fix. :-)

Owen continues to do well. He's putting on the baby fat now. :-) Giving the supplimental bottle is definately working. I can see a difference in him. He's still way cute! Daddy is going well with him at home. The most enlightened thing Jeffy has said to me since I've been back is "Having him sure makes it hard to get things done around here!" I simply replied, "Yeah, he does." It's good awareness on his part.

Homeward bound! I can't wait to see that precious little piece of heaven!