
A New Year

Well, almost a new year. 13.5 hours left in this year. 2005 has to be better than 2004 was. There's not much that could make it worse.

Christmas was fun. The GameCube is a huge hit, and the treasure hunt was fun. I had to help him out a lot on that. One of the clues was "Take a slow boat to China." He was supposed to go to the china cabinet. He was actually looking inside the cabinet (got there with my help - we played "Hot and Cold"), muttering "China, china, huh?" Then all of a sudden it hit him, "Oh! CHIna." He was being serious. It was too funny. He went out to the shed (one of the clues) and was disappointed because he thought it was going to be in there. It wasn't. Finally, he got the key to the trunk of my car and went out and got it. Of course the first words out of his mouth were slightly disappointing "Oh, Honey. You spent too much." Not the reaction I was expecting.

Christmas dinner was at his parent's house. All of the kids were there (there are 15 people in the immediate family, with Jeff's parents, sibs, their spouses, and kids.) It can get crazy, but it's fun. The top of my right foot is turning pretty colors, though. Jeff tried (accidentally) to close it in the recliner. That hurt!

I wish all of you a happy and prosperous new year! Bring on 2005. I'm done with 2004!


Dreams and Christmas

I've been having dreams about being pregnant again. Not that I am yet, but I'm taking that as just one sign (one sign among many) that it's time to try this again. I'm ready. Jeff's ready. Maybe in the next month or two...

My whole attitude/outlook on becoming pregnant again has really changed drastically in the last month or so. At the beginning of this month, I was still scared to death about what might happen when I get pregnant again. All of a sudden a couple of weeks ago, that whole thing changed. I know that I could miscarry again, but that those chances are fairly small. I also know that so many of my friends who have suffered a miscarriage went on to have totally normal subsequent pregnancies as well as that I am in several sets of good hands - God's, Jeff's (support-wise), and my OB's. I will be nervous, especially until we hit that 15 week mark. I am half expecting to want to go in to hear the heartbeat each week until we get confirmation via ultrasound that everything looks normal. I wonder if we'll get more ultrasounds than normal this time around? I actually think we might go out and get a relatively inexpensive stethescope (Michele-suggestions?) so that once we get to the 17 week mark, we can listen whenever we want, right in the comfort of our own home.

December is a very busy month for us. Jeff's and I work at a tree lot every year. The money is good, which is nice, but the hours suck. I see him maybe 5 minutes in the moring and then maybe 10 or 15 at night before we go to bed, if I'm even awake when he gets home. I'll be glad when Friday comes. No more late nights.

This is my first Christmas without my family around. It's going to be a bit odd because of that. At least we have Jeff's family nearby, and everyone will be home this year, which will be cool. Max is driving me a lot nuts with the tree and presents. He thinks the bows are there for him to play with, that the tree water is there for him to drink, that the ornaments are there for him to bat at, and that the space behind the tree is for him to hide in.

I'm sending Jeffy on a treasure hunt on Christmas morning. It's going to be a blast to watch. I'm going to have fun on Saturday morning! LOL I'm more excited about watching him open his presents than I am about opening my own. I think that's a good thing!

Enough for now. Have a wonderful Christmas!


I WON!!!!!

I just heard from the insurance company and I won! They are waiving both co-pays!!!! Our son's short life is now validated. I am so excited for this!

Two more weeks of school before Christmas break. My evening programs are done, with an afternoon choir concert sometime the last week, but we've already put on an evening program with this concert so there is nothing new to prepare for.



I talked with my OB's office yesterday (Wednesday) and asked specifically about my August appointment that the insurance was saying wasn't an OB appointment. I was correct. It was and OB appointment. The person at my OB's office I spoke with said that if I needed her to, she would send something to the insurance saying that my August appointment was pregnancy related. I think I have a pretty good shot of winning this one too!

Jeff and I are finally in Denver. We were supposed to get here last night but got involutarily voluntarily bumped - too many people and not enough seats on the plane because they had to downsize. Don't know why. We got put up in a hotel right by the airport last night, were given food vouchers for last night and this morning, two free tickets anywhere in the lower 48, and were on a 6:00 a.m. flight to Denver this morning. For those of you who know me well, you know that I am not a morning person and getting myself out of bed at 3:30 this morning was quite the feat! We are here! On to the cooking and then the eating!


Partial Success!

I heard from the insurance company today. So far they have forgiven(?) my co-pay for my second OB appointment. I am still dealing with them on the first one. They say it was a diagnostic appointment and not an actual OB appointment, since I didn't get my blood test done through the OB (mental note for next time - do the blood test for confirmation through the OB). Once I explained to the gal I've been dealing with that I had my confirmation blood test done in July at my check-up appointment with my GP for my sprained ankle, she said she would take that back to the board and see what she could get done. (I found out by home test the morning of that GP appointment that I was pregnant. Since I was going in anyway, I had them do the blood test. One less place to go, right?)

What do you all think? Who is right here? (If I'm wrong on my interpretation, please let me know. I'm not necessarily asking to be told that I'm right. I'm just not experienced in this.) Was my first OB appointment truely an OB appointment and not a diagnostic appointment even though my OB did a pelvic? The office staff at my OB's office gave me the impression that it was an OB appointment by what they said, ("Insurance companies do things different for OB appointments. Don't worry about the co-pay for now.") Oh ye wise doctors and medical types! (Michele, Kristen...)


Not even the full moon yet

The kids were off today. Really chatty, not themselves. I was about ready to clobber some of them. Especially my older ones. We were watching the program video from last week (Vet's Day) and they couldn't be quiet or calm, or respectful. I finally ended up turning off the video and starting on the next unit - American Musical Theatre. They know more than I though they knew about it. That's good.

It's been a long couple of days for me. One more long one to go, then a little bit of relief. I couldn't get to sleep on Sunday night until 3 a.m. I had loads of things on my mind, some dealing with school, some dealing with Jacob, some dealing with other personal things going on. I left home around 7:30 yesterday morning (Monday) and didn't get home until 9ish last night. After work, I had to go to a reading training (which makes how much sense for a music teacher who doesn't teach reading?) and after that was youth group. Today was 7:45-6:30, there was a music teacher's meeting after school. Tomorrow I have an appointment at 5:00. Won't get home until after 6:00. Get to battle bridge traffic since my appointment's in Gig Harbor. Joy. I'm ready for Thanksgiving. Forget that. I'm ready for Christmas break. Two weeks of no-brainer stuff. I can handle that!

As far as the insurance bit goes, in talking with my sister, who is in med school, she said that there should be no reason for them to make me pay the copays at this point since I didn't elect to end my pregnancy. I guess it makes sense that the insurance companies would have that policy in place for people who choose to end a pregnancy. Still, I'm going to take it as high as I have to or can if they don't grant my appeal at this level.


The Insurance Saga begins

I called the insurance company today and registered a verbal complaint. It has been registered and a decision will be reached in 7-10 days. I told the lady I talked with (who was very nice, btw) that it felt like they are adding insult to injury and that they are saying I was never pregnant. I told her that I saw my son and held him in my hands. I wonder on what grounds the decision will be made. Will they look at if I was doing anything that could have been considered risky or jeopardizing the pregnancy? I wasn't. Just one of those things. More on this when I get it.

We had yesterday off from school (Veteran's Day) and then one day back today. I was anticipating the kids to be in all states of chaos since the schedule got disrupted. Nope. One of the best days I've had all year! We weren't even missing that many kids, either. One key girl in my all-day kindergarten class being gone made a world of difference. It was calm in there for a change! LOL


Fighting the Insurance Company

That's what I'm doing now. I got a bill from my OB yesterday saying we owed copays for the two monthly check-ups I had, which while I was pregnant didn't have a co-pay. Since I miscarried and therefore didn't carry my son to term, I have to pay the co-pays. Granted it's only $30, which isn't much in the big scheme of things but still. It's the principle of the thing. I told the gal at the OB's office that I'm not upset with them, but that I think it is wrong. She agreed 100% and told me that one of their patients fought the insurance company on this same issue and won. I'm calling tomorrow, hopefully they'll be open since it's Veteran's Day. I'll keep everyone posted.

As for how I'm doing, let's just say my body is working like clockwork. Very predictable so far, which is nice. Now if I could just shake this darned cold/cough/sinus thing. The upper left side of my face feels like it's gonna 'splode. Ugh. I just took some sinus medicine so hopefully that will help.

Time for bed. I'm exhausted. Hopefully more tomorrow.


Back at Work

I went back to work this week. It is good to be back. The kids are wonderful. I had a 4th grader put a little sign on my front that said "Hug me!" The staff is also so supportive. My youngest kids don't completely understand what has happened, but I was expecting that. The older ones do and many have told me that they are sorry that the baby died. I've gotten lots of hugs this week, which has been really nice. They really lift my spirits.

Tomorrow is my first day back at my second school. I'm not sure exactly what the kids have been told so that will be my first order of business when I get there.

We have an amazing support system. I am part of an e-mail list made up of music teachers from all over the country, and even a couple abroad. One of my best friends on the list (hi, Patti!) was the one I asked to spread the news on the list. That prompted a mass of e-mails from people on the list, some expressing condolences, and others sharing their own personal experiences of losing children too early in pregnancy. One of the things I've learned this last week and a half is that lots of women have experienced the same thing. It's hard, but I'm doing ok. Jeff is very supportive of me and I hope he can say the same for me.

My parents flew up from Denver on Sunday night of last week and were here till last Wednesday. It was wonderful to have them here, even with the circumstances being as they were. There was a lot of crying and hugging. We talk daily.

One of the best things that happened that night was holding my son, whom we have decided to name Jacob, in my hands. He was still in the sack and looked absolutely perfect, from what I could see. The first thing I saw was his tiny behind and his legs, which looked like frog legs because they were so skinny and were bent at the knees the way frogs legs are. That part makes me laugh.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, but know that we will be ok. Not right away, but we will be ok. I will keep up with the blog as our lives progress.


This is Michele, Stephanie's sister.

It is with great sadness that I write this post. Steph and Jeff lost their son very early in the morning this past Sunday. They were in Las Vegas with Jeff's family. Steph was able to see and hold her son. She and Jeff are very sad and are mourning their loss but, all things considered, they are doing very well. Jeff returned to work earlier this week but Steph is taking the rest of the week off to recover. She is doing well physically. I have talked with her many times and I am proud of how strong she is. I have all the faith in the world that they will get through this okay. She has said to me, "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." They have a strong faith and a wonderful, loving relationship which will no doubt see them through.

Steph returned to work briefly yesterday to visit, and was shown an outpouring of support. The regular teachers talked with their classes and answered any questions that the children may have had. They also know that any more questions should not be asked to Steph when she returns, but should be asked of their regular teachers. The children made her cards which are wonderful and are raising her spirits. She feels very blessed to be at a school like that where she is part of a family.

Please keep Stephanie and Jeff in your thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time.


I'm poochy!

14 Weeks, 2 Days

Retail therapy is good. My mother sent me a check last week to go clothes shopping. I did some of that today. In my newest belly shot, I am wearing the skirt, and one of the shirts I bought today.

I spent the weekend in Spokane visiting family and family friends. It was a good trip. I also had a gathering to attend for the music sorority I was in in college. It was weird being in Spokane and not going to my grandmother's. This was the first time I haven't had free access to the house. (For those of you who don't know, she passed away a little over a year ago.) There were lots of tears all weekend long. Last night I stayed with a friend of my mother's. I was able to sleep in 'til 9:15 this morning. It was really nice. I haven't slept in that late in I don't know how long.

We're waiting for Mount St. Helens to go. It's pretty exciting.

Things continue to go well. I'm still feeling great! I'm really excited for feeling the baby move in the next few weeks.


12 Weeks, 5 days

Whump, whump, whump! That is the wonderful sound we heard last night at our doctor's appointment. We heard her heartbeat! It took forever to find her, though. My doctor was actually about ready to do a quick ultrasound just to make sure that everything was still ok when we found her. Then she moved and we had to find her again...at least she's reacting to outside stimuli! That's a great sign. I was getting a little worried when we couldn't find her. Her heartrate is at 155 (or was last night.) I suspect it will get slower as she grows (Michele, am I right?)

My first trimester is officially over tomorrow. We've made it! I'm definately poochy now. I'm at the "is she fat or is she pregnant?" stage. ("I'm not fat, I'm PREGNANT!") I've lost count of how many times I've said that to Jeff when he teases me.

We bought a book of nursery rhymes to read to the baby. Come to find out, Jeff only recognized a few of them whereas I didn't recognize only one or two. The baby's going to know them all! The pictures are wonderful. Very colorful and they all have raised aspects to them. I love running my fingers over the pages and the cover.

I'm finally starting to get more energy. :-D I actually went to a meeting that lasted until 9 or so on Monday and was starting to get yawny, but made it home just fine! Yay! I got home at 6:45 tonight and am not dead tired. Yay!


12 Weeks, 1 Day

We had our 4-year-old niece today. She's a doll. Such a great kid. Loads of fun. Having her over for the day and observing our time with her gives me a glimpse into what our family life will probably be like. I'm starting to see my husband in an entirely different light than I ever have before. It's really neat. Very attractive. I find I'm falling in love with him all over again, in a much deeper way than before.

Jeffy does the cutest things. The other day, he went shopping and bought a huge box of newborn diapers (nearly 230 of them in the box!) They are sitting on the back porch right now, waiting to be used come April. Let's just hope that he realizes that the "Up to 15 lbs." means the weight of the baby, not the weight of the load produced by the baby. LOL He also went to Target earlier this week and bought me three shirts. He's so sweet! I got a good one!

Still exhausted. I'm calling it a night.


11 Weeks 6 Days!

I made it! Tomorrow I am 12 weeks pregnant! Yippee! The first major hurdle is done! I have my second appointment with the OB on Tuesday. I really hope we get to hear the heartbeat.

The kids at school are so funny! Bunches of them have made me cards of congratulations for the baby. Their biggest concern is that they get to see the baby after she's born. They're all so sweet.

Not many changes in how I'm feeling. Still tired (and ready to be over that part. I want my evenings back!). My appetite is getting bigger, though. I took a huge lunch to school yesterday and ate absolutely everything. I thought I had packed enough for a snack. Guess not. At least I've made a habit of having peanut butter and crackers (the Costco sized box six per package) at school ever since my second year of teaching. Having munchies at school is a good thing. Things should start getting pretty cool relatively soon - my belly should start growing and I'll be able to feel her move, hopefully by the end of this month. :-)


11 Weeks 1 Day

I finished my first almost full week of work yesterday. It's going to be an awesome year. Not even close to as stressful as last year, which is a blessing as I need as little stress in my life as possible right now.

Every September the Puyallup Fair happens. Opening day was yesterday. We went for dinner, the Rodeo, and the Brad Paisley concert. It was a blast. I don't think we've missed a rodeo in the last five fairs. I was dead tired when I got home from work yestereday and told Jeff (who was ready to go the second I walked in the door) that I needed a nap - either that or neither of us would enjoy the evening as I would be tired and cranky. I was still tired, but not cranky since I had rested for an hour. He's working a lot of shifts (with TicketMaster) at the fair so he'll be gone lots of evenings and at least one day of the weekends this month.

I'm really excited for Friday to come. First, it will be the end of the first full week of classes. Second, it will be the end of the first trimester. That means I'll start having more energy and won't be so tired. Frankly, I'm tired of being tired! Ugh. We've missed out on lots of reading time at night because I've been too exhausted to read.

I'm not sure how much time I'll have for posting now that school has started. It will probably happen mostly on the weekends but if anything cool happens, I'll be sure to get it up within a day or two. Our next appointment is on the 21st - hopefully we'll be able to hear the heartbeat.


10 Weeks 3 Days

Earlier last week I packed up most of my clothes that button at the waist, or at least don't have an adjustable waist. They weren't working for me anymore. As you can see from the picture I posted earlier, I'm still not showing, but said clothes are no longer comfy. I can walk in them, but sitting is impossible. This is that awkward stage of pregnancy where I'm not big enough for some of the maternity clothes out there (for instance, the pants with panels) but I'm too big for my regular clothes. I have enough maternity clothes that are created to work all the way through pregnancy (courtesy of either an adjustable elastic waist band - with a button I can place anywhere in the buttonholes in the waist band or, in the case of my jeans, a drawstring that I can tie.) They are so incredibly comfy! They also don't look too big on me, which is a plus. At present, comfy and stylish is the name of the game. We've discovered that Penny's is a great place for maternity clothes. We've dropped a fair amount of money there, but since we've taken advantage of sales and discounts (75-80% in some cases), we've also saved much more than we've actually spent.

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to the UW Huskies football season opener. They got trounced 35-16. It was really sad. We couldn't get the ball through the uprights, forward passes were non-existent (lateral passes were great!) and our running game was horrid. Fresno State was slated to win anyway, but not by that big of a margin. It was supposed to be a close game.

It was my first time inside Husky Stadium and that was neat. (It was also my first real college football game. Ever. Sure, I went to the UPS games, but those don't really count, mostly because the Loggers couldn't win a game to save their lives.) We saw lots of little ones dressed up in their Husky gear. Got me thinking about next year when we take our little one to her first game.

The fans were really into the Huskies, but were very poor sports when it came to the visiting team. They booth both the Fresno State University team and fans almost continually, starting with the FSU team entering the field. It was quite disappointing in my opinion. Maybe I'm just not into it enough to understand, but shouldn't we have been gracious hosts? Couldn't we have just cheered louder for the Dawgs and kept silent for the FSU team, or at least given them a polite welcome? Someone tell me if I'm way off base here. Do I just not get it?

Enough of that. Time to change the subject.

In 11 days, I will be through my first trimester! The last two months have flown by (I wasn't even counting for the first month or so, hence the two months instead of three). I can't believe how quickly things are going. I'm sure they will go even quicker now that I'm in school and busy.


Belly Shot #1 - Not much yet!

10 Weeks 1 Day

Yesterday was graduation day. The baby went from being an embryo to being a fetus. This means that most of the major forming of things (organs, etc.) is finished! Now it's mostly about getting bigger and developing those organs (and a few other things that haven't quite formed yet, but aren't as major as the organs) so she can survive in the outside world. Hopefully it will only be a few more weeks before I start feeling her move. I'm really excited about that.

Like I mentioned in my last post, Jeff and I both have colds. I was up at something like 7:30 this morning, but wasn't really awake. I napped most of the morning, waking up fully at 11:30. I feel so much better. I honestly don't even remember most of this morning.

Yesterday was also my first day with kids. It was really nice to be back in the classroom and teaching. I saw all of my students at Manitou except for the kindergarteners, who don't start up until Wednesday so I'll see them for the first time next Thursday. No school on Monday for Labor Day and then I start the year at Bryant, my main school. I've decided that I'm going to use the baby as a bribing agent with my younger students. I'm going to tell them that if they sing nice and strong, the baby will be able to hear them and will like it. I tried it with two classes yesterday and it worked like a charm! Tee hee! Kids can be so gullible sometimes! I remember that last year, my friend Angela's baby would move a bunch when the kids were singing, but he was pretty quiet when it was quiet. This is going to be a fun year!


9 Weeks 6 Days - The First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. As it has been for the past four years, I again have two schools. This marks my fifth year of teaching and I add my 7th school in these five years. I am returning to my main school, Bryant, which is a public Montessori school. This is my third year there and I am very excited to be back. I've never been at one school for this long. It's nice to feel like I finally have a home. The kids are wonderful, the staff is very close-knit and we work as a great team. Last year, we applied for a grant through the Gates foundation (as in Bill and Melinda of Microsoft for those of you who are not in the area) and received it. All $955,502.00 of it! This has allowed us to add sixth grade this year, and over the next two years we will expand through 8th grade. The kids we have back as sisth graders this year are great.

My other school, Manitou Park, is a wonderful change from last year. My second school last year was a very high stress situation. Since I knew that I would either be returning to school pregnant or become pregnant early in the school year, I played the health card and requested a change. It was granted. Anyway, as today was the first day of school, we weren't having specialists at Manitou so I asked if I might be allowed to go over to Bryant just at the start of the day to help get the kids organized into their lines and into their classes. The principal gave me his blessing, telling me to do what I needed to do there and then come on back. This is going to be a wonderful year. All of the staff at Manitou has made me feel welcome and a part of the team, even though I'll only be there the last two days of the week. I haven't really had that for at least two years. The other music teacher at Manitou and I have known eachother since our subbing days and we get along great. Tomorrow should be my first day with kids. I'm excited and ready for them! I get Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders at Manitou. My favorite ages! :-)

Look for a picture tomorrow. Belly shot #1. Tomorrow is a special day for us. I'll share more later.

I am due 7 calendar months from today. I'm still tired, though less and less, I think. I'm not sure if I'm truely less tired or I'm too busy to feel it. I'm still not experiencing any morning sickness, though Jeff and I are both fighting colds right now and I have spent most of the time since I got home in bed trying to get rid of a headache. I've taken some Sudafed, which has helped a little. I may take Tylenol before I go to bed for good. Thank goodness there are medicines that are safe to take during pregnancy. I'm not sure how much fun it would be if I couldn't take some of the more common things when needed. I would do it if I had to, though. Don't want to hurt my little one!


8 Weeks 6 Days

One day away from nine weeks! Only three more weeks and I'm through my first trimester. Now that I've had my appointments (OB and ultrasound), things seem to be going a little quicker.

The weather here has turned rainy and chilly (at least it's chilly for August). I have enough shorts/short coveralls to get me through the summer, but jeans are another story. Right now I'm wearing my jeans with the top button undone and a t-shirt and/or sweatshirt pulled over the waist so it's not visible. It will be interesting when school starts next week to see what I can and can't quite fit into comfortably. Anything with an expandable waist is good at this point. :-) I'll probably start wearing my maternity clothes a couple of weeks after school starts. I need to get more by then. We've discovered that Penny's has great deals on maternity clothes, and they have a pretty decent selection. Other stores don't. I've gone to look at other departments stores and been very disappointed. They had maybe three racks of maternity clothes.

One of the biggest things I have to decide over the next few months is how close to my delivery date I'm going work. I called my district the other day and asked about how maternity leave works. I can't actually use my sick leave until I have medical orders not to work and/or I deliver. If I want a week or two off before I give birth, I'll have to take leave without pay. Jeff and I need to talk about this and figure it out. We may also get a better feel for things at our next appointment, which is still 3-1/2 weeks away.

Ugh. It's raining. Again. We need the rain pretty badly but come on! It's still summer! We need the nice weather. I guess the silver lining is that I need to be inside my classrooms working and that is easier for two reasons when it's icky and raining out. One, it's cooler in my classroom and two, I won't be as tempted to go out and enjoy the sunshine by taking a walk on the water front instead of getting things ready. The kids are back a week from today. I had meetings all morning, then the afternoon to work in my room. I'll probably go back in tomorrow morning and finish my room at Bryant. Then Monday I'll go to Manitou Park and get things taken care of there. Luckily I have a smaller space with less areas to decorate. I've got seating figured out there as well. Now all I need are class lists and to print up my seating chart.

Well, I'm exhausted. I was up at 6:00 this morning so I could get to work and get some things done before the meetings started. Time for bed. It's not even 8:00 yet. Pathetic. Only a few more weeks of being exhausted because of the pregnancy. I'm ready for that part to be done with.


8 Weeks, 5 Days - The First Ultrasound

Today was our first ultra sound. The baby's hearbeat is as strong as they get - 163 bpm! We even saw her move. (We don't know the sex and won't know the sex, but I really want a girl and am being optimistic so I'm calling the baby "her".) The ultrasound was amazing. We got a video and pictures. The video is only about 2-3 minutes long, but I know I'll be watching it lots over the next few days. It truely is a miracle! There is now this little life growing inside of me. It will be 10 - 12 weeks until I have another ultrasound. By then we'll be able to see more anatomy (arms, legs, head) defined and we'll also be able to hear the heartbeat. I wonder if that will go onto the video tape. I hope so! Just seeing everything today makes this so much more real and I'm also a lot calmer since things are looking great. Not so worried about thing going wrong or the baby not growing like she should.

I accidentally posted two pictures. They are exactly the same. Here is what you are seeing. The back is up, the head is to the right. If you look closely, you can see what I think is a leg off to the left, though it's not terribly clear. The black area around the baby is the amniotic sack. Way to the left of the baby, you can see a little ring. That is the yolk sack, which will go away pretty soon. When I went back to watch the video some more this afternoon, think I actually saw her kick! It's amazing that this little life is growing inside of me. I think my favorite part is watching the heart beat, though watching her move is a close second. Unbelievable!

Things continue to go extremely well as far as how I'm feeling. Nothing new, which is good. My clothes are starting to get tight, mostly around my waist.

Right now the baby is about the size of a small paper clip. In another couple of weeks (week 10) she'll graduate from "embryo" to "fetus".

It's been an exciting day for us! It's real now! What a kick to finally see my baby moving inside of me. I've been in awed tears several times this afternoon/evening just thinking about what we saw! We're bringing the video and picture home at Thanksgiving so those of you who will be in Denver will get to see it!

Here she is!


Our appointment for our first ultrasound is tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait! We were told that we can bring a video tape and record the ultrasound. We'll be able to see the heartbeat!

I called my employer today and asked about maternity leave - I can use my sick leave until the doctor releases me to go back to work. The best news is that I have enough sick leave accrued to last me through the end of the year. It helps that spring break is in there, right at the start. A free week when I won't have to use any leave to get paid! Yay! The bad news is that once the doctor releases me to go back to work, I have to take leave without pay. I will likely only miss 5 weeks of pay, but still. that's one entire pay period plus a week.

I also called my insurance today to see what their OB coverage is - 100% of the allowable amount. We could potentially get away with paying the remainder of our deductible ($38 and change) plus the inpatient copay at the hospital. We can handle that!

That's all for now. I'll post again tomorrow after my appointment, complete with a picture! This is finally getting real!


The First Appointment

We had our first appointment today. It wasn't as long as I thought it would be. We talked with the doctor and he set my due date at April 2, I think to avoid an April 1 due date. He said that the baby can come anywhere withing the three weeks prior or one we following that date. My mother will be here the week ending on April 2 so I think it would be cool to have the baby that week, while she's here.

We need to call tomorrow and set up an ultrasound to confirm dates, make sure there's only one baby in there and to check for viability. We'll get that done at the next available slot that fits our schedule. After that, we won't have another ultrasound until 18-20 weeks. The coolest part is that we'll be able to see the heartbeat and we'll be able to videotape it! Way cool!

Dr. Nickel knows that we want to wait to find out the sex of the baby and supports that 100%. He also supports my desire to go for as natural a childbirth as possible, but will give me meds if I want them.

Oh, if you want to know the definition of the term my sister told me to look up, change the spelling by dropping the second 'y'. It essentially is an enzyme which, among other things, is found in sperm and breaks down a layer surrounding the egg, allowing for a single sperm to enter and fertilize the egg. I'm sure this isn't entirely accurate, but for my non-medically trained brain, it works.

Not much else right now. More after the ultrasound!


8 Weeks and 3 Days - I think

Well, my first appointment is tomorrow afternoon. I'm so excited. It's been like waiting for Christmas or my birthday. I thought it would never come!

So here's what's been going on lately. I have been so blessed to have felt wonderful the entire time. A little tired (ok, absolutely exhausted sometimes is more accurate) and feeling like I'm constantly going to the bathroom, but other than that, I can't complain! I just pray that things continue going as smoothly as they are right now.

We had lunch with a couple of wonderful friends today, Eric and Eileen. I've known them since college - going on 8 years, I think - and they did the readings at our wedding. Eileen is also my recruiter for Mary Kay. They are going to be the godparents to our baby (Eric is The Godfather...)

I'll have more news tomorrow, like how far along I am for sure, when I'm due, etc. I've heard that the first appointment is the longest so I'm wondering exactly what goes on at the first OB appointment. My doctor is wonderful. I'm very comfortable with him. Plus, his office is literally a block from the hospital. I'm not sure why, but that is a comforting thing to me.

The house is slowly coming together. We've pretty much picked out the paint colors for the nursery. I'll announce them later once it's actually painted in case we change our minds. The major thing right now is unloading nearly everything from the study so that it can become the nursery. We have many bookcases to take care of and not anywhere near the space in the rest of our house. I have some ideas that I need to put past Jeffy. They will make the dining room much less cluttered than it currently is slated to become. I think we can make it work.

I'll be sure to post more tomorrow after my appointment. The title of each post will reflect how far along I am.


The Countdown Begins!

About three weeks ago, Jeff and I found out that we are going from a couple to a family! It's been exciting waiting, planning, praying, and working for this. We've been married for two years now and this is the next step. Having a baby has been an aspect that has been missing for several months now. We were very blessed that we were able to conceive so quickly.

At this point, I think I'm nearly 8 weeks pregnant. I have my first OB appointment on Monday and am in an excited sort of anxious mood. At that point, we'll find out when I'm due. I suspect it will be some time in the first week of April. We aren't going to find out whether our baby is a boy or a girl until it's born. I think it's a girl, Jeff thinks it's a boy.

I'll try to post ultrasound pictures when I get them so you can see how our baby is growning. I'll also try to post some of my belly shots so those of you who are not in town can see how my belly is growing! I'm so excited for all of this! I've been waiting for this for my entire life (I know it sounds cliche, but it's true!)