
12 Weeks, 5 days

Whump, whump, whump! That is the wonderful sound we heard last night at our doctor's appointment. We heard her heartbeat! It took forever to find her, though. My doctor was actually about ready to do a quick ultrasound just to make sure that everything was still ok when we found her. Then she moved and we had to find her again...at least she's reacting to outside stimuli! That's a great sign. I was getting a little worried when we couldn't find her. Her heartrate is at 155 (or was last night.) I suspect it will get slower as she grows (Michele, am I right?)

My first trimester is officially over tomorrow. We've made it! I'm definately poochy now. I'm at the "is she fat or is she pregnant?" stage. ("I'm not fat, I'm PREGNANT!") I've lost count of how many times I've said that to Jeff when he teases me.

We bought a book of nursery rhymes to read to the baby. Come to find out, Jeff only recognized a few of them whereas I didn't recognize only one or two. The baby's going to know them all! The pictures are wonderful. Very colorful and they all have raised aspects to them. I love running my fingers over the pages and the cover.

I'm finally starting to get more energy. :-D I actually went to a meeting that lasted until 9 or so on Monday and was starting to get yawny, but made it home just fine! Yay! I got home at 6:45 tonight and am not dead tired. Yay!


12 Weeks, 1 Day

We had our 4-year-old niece today. She's a doll. Such a great kid. Loads of fun. Having her over for the day and observing our time with her gives me a glimpse into what our family life will probably be like. I'm starting to see my husband in an entirely different light than I ever have before. It's really neat. Very attractive. I find I'm falling in love with him all over again, in a much deeper way than before.

Jeffy does the cutest things. The other day, he went shopping and bought a huge box of newborn diapers (nearly 230 of them in the box!) They are sitting on the back porch right now, waiting to be used come April. Let's just hope that he realizes that the "Up to 15 lbs." means the weight of the baby, not the weight of the load produced by the baby. LOL He also went to Target earlier this week and bought me three shirts. He's so sweet! I got a good one!

Still exhausted. I'm calling it a night.


11 Weeks 6 Days!

I made it! Tomorrow I am 12 weeks pregnant! Yippee! The first major hurdle is done! I have my second appointment with the OB on Tuesday. I really hope we get to hear the heartbeat.

The kids at school are so funny! Bunches of them have made me cards of congratulations for the baby. Their biggest concern is that they get to see the baby after she's born. They're all so sweet.

Not many changes in how I'm feeling. Still tired (and ready to be over that part. I want my evenings back!). My appetite is getting bigger, though. I took a huge lunch to school yesterday and ate absolutely everything. I thought I had packed enough for a snack. Guess not. At least I've made a habit of having peanut butter and crackers (the Costco sized box six per package) at school ever since my second year of teaching. Having munchies at school is a good thing. Things should start getting pretty cool relatively soon - my belly should start growing and I'll be able to feel her move, hopefully by the end of this month. :-)


11 Weeks 1 Day

I finished my first almost full week of work yesterday. It's going to be an awesome year. Not even close to as stressful as last year, which is a blessing as I need as little stress in my life as possible right now.

Every September the Puyallup Fair happens. Opening day was yesterday. We went for dinner, the Rodeo, and the Brad Paisley concert. It was a blast. I don't think we've missed a rodeo in the last five fairs. I was dead tired when I got home from work yestereday and told Jeff (who was ready to go the second I walked in the door) that I needed a nap - either that or neither of us would enjoy the evening as I would be tired and cranky. I was still tired, but not cranky since I had rested for an hour. He's working a lot of shifts (with TicketMaster) at the fair so he'll be gone lots of evenings and at least one day of the weekends this month.

I'm really excited for Friday to come. First, it will be the end of the first full week of classes. Second, it will be the end of the first trimester. That means I'll start having more energy and won't be so tired. Frankly, I'm tired of being tired! Ugh. We've missed out on lots of reading time at night because I've been too exhausted to read.

I'm not sure how much time I'll have for posting now that school has started. It will probably happen mostly on the weekends but if anything cool happens, I'll be sure to get it up within a day or two. Our next appointment is on the 21st - hopefully we'll be able to hear the heartbeat.


10 Weeks 3 Days

Earlier last week I packed up most of my clothes that button at the waist, or at least don't have an adjustable waist. They weren't working for me anymore. As you can see from the picture I posted earlier, I'm still not showing, but said clothes are no longer comfy. I can walk in them, but sitting is impossible. This is that awkward stage of pregnancy where I'm not big enough for some of the maternity clothes out there (for instance, the pants with panels) but I'm too big for my regular clothes. I have enough maternity clothes that are created to work all the way through pregnancy (courtesy of either an adjustable elastic waist band - with a button I can place anywhere in the buttonholes in the waist band or, in the case of my jeans, a drawstring that I can tie.) They are so incredibly comfy! They also don't look too big on me, which is a plus. At present, comfy and stylish is the name of the game. We've discovered that Penny's is a great place for maternity clothes. We've dropped a fair amount of money there, but since we've taken advantage of sales and discounts (75-80% in some cases), we've also saved much more than we've actually spent.

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to the UW Huskies football season opener. They got trounced 35-16. It was really sad. We couldn't get the ball through the uprights, forward passes were non-existent (lateral passes were great!) and our running game was horrid. Fresno State was slated to win anyway, but not by that big of a margin. It was supposed to be a close game.

It was my first time inside Husky Stadium and that was neat. (It was also my first real college football game. Ever. Sure, I went to the UPS games, but those don't really count, mostly because the Loggers couldn't win a game to save their lives.) We saw lots of little ones dressed up in their Husky gear. Got me thinking about next year when we take our little one to her first game.

The fans were really into the Huskies, but were very poor sports when it came to the visiting team. They booth both the Fresno State University team and fans almost continually, starting with the FSU team entering the field. It was quite disappointing in my opinion. Maybe I'm just not into it enough to understand, but shouldn't we have been gracious hosts? Couldn't we have just cheered louder for the Dawgs and kept silent for the FSU team, or at least given them a polite welcome? Someone tell me if I'm way off base here. Do I just not get it?

Enough of that. Time to change the subject.

In 11 days, I will be through my first trimester! The last two months have flown by (I wasn't even counting for the first month or so, hence the two months instead of three). I can't believe how quickly things are going. I'm sure they will go even quicker now that I'm in school and busy.


Belly Shot #1 - Not much yet!

10 Weeks 1 Day

Yesterday was graduation day. The baby went from being an embryo to being a fetus. This means that most of the major forming of things (organs, etc.) is finished! Now it's mostly about getting bigger and developing those organs (and a few other things that haven't quite formed yet, but aren't as major as the organs) so she can survive in the outside world. Hopefully it will only be a few more weeks before I start feeling her move. I'm really excited about that.

Like I mentioned in my last post, Jeff and I both have colds. I was up at something like 7:30 this morning, but wasn't really awake. I napped most of the morning, waking up fully at 11:30. I feel so much better. I honestly don't even remember most of this morning.

Yesterday was also my first day with kids. It was really nice to be back in the classroom and teaching. I saw all of my students at Manitou except for the kindergarteners, who don't start up until Wednesday so I'll see them for the first time next Thursday. No school on Monday for Labor Day and then I start the year at Bryant, my main school. I've decided that I'm going to use the baby as a bribing agent with my younger students. I'm going to tell them that if they sing nice and strong, the baby will be able to hear them and will like it. I tried it with two classes yesterday and it worked like a charm! Tee hee! Kids can be so gullible sometimes! I remember that last year, my friend Angela's baby would move a bunch when the kids were singing, but he was pretty quiet when it was quiet. This is going to be a fun year!


9 Weeks 6 Days - The First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. As it has been for the past four years, I again have two schools. This marks my fifth year of teaching and I add my 7th school in these five years. I am returning to my main school, Bryant, which is a public Montessori school. This is my third year there and I am very excited to be back. I've never been at one school for this long. It's nice to feel like I finally have a home. The kids are wonderful, the staff is very close-knit and we work as a great team. Last year, we applied for a grant through the Gates foundation (as in Bill and Melinda of Microsoft for those of you who are not in the area) and received it. All $955,502.00 of it! This has allowed us to add sixth grade this year, and over the next two years we will expand through 8th grade. The kids we have back as sisth graders this year are great.

My other school, Manitou Park, is a wonderful change from last year. My second school last year was a very high stress situation. Since I knew that I would either be returning to school pregnant or become pregnant early in the school year, I played the health card and requested a change. It was granted. Anyway, as today was the first day of school, we weren't having specialists at Manitou so I asked if I might be allowed to go over to Bryant just at the start of the day to help get the kids organized into their lines and into their classes. The principal gave me his blessing, telling me to do what I needed to do there and then come on back. This is going to be a wonderful year. All of the staff at Manitou has made me feel welcome and a part of the team, even though I'll only be there the last two days of the week. I haven't really had that for at least two years. The other music teacher at Manitou and I have known eachother since our subbing days and we get along great. Tomorrow should be my first day with kids. I'm excited and ready for them! I get Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders at Manitou. My favorite ages! :-)

Look for a picture tomorrow. Belly shot #1. Tomorrow is a special day for us. I'll share more later.

I am due 7 calendar months from today. I'm still tired, though less and less, I think. I'm not sure if I'm truely less tired or I'm too busy to feel it. I'm still not experiencing any morning sickness, though Jeff and I are both fighting colds right now and I have spent most of the time since I got home in bed trying to get rid of a headache. I've taken some Sudafed, which has helped a little. I may take Tylenol before I go to bed for good. Thank goodness there are medicines that are safe to take during pregnancy. I'm not sure how much fun it would be if I couldn't take some of the more common things when needed. I would do it if I had to, though. Don't want to hurt my little one!