
a request

i had to get a new cell phone yesterday. that also means i had to get a new number. my old phone ceased working and the least expensive way to replace it was to add a third line to our plan for the next few months (till september), get a free phone, and then cancel one of the lines. i guess there's no way to cancel a newer line, we have to cancel the oldest line. that means my old cell phone number will be the one to go. repairing the phone would have cost $55 (plus taxes, I'm guessing). adding the third line is less than $10/month. sad, no?

anyway, if you read this and i haven't already called you to tell you my new number, would you either call or e-mail me. the old number still works, there's a message saying my new cell number. i need to get important numbers into my new phone. we can't transfer them at the store because my old phone won't turn on for us to do that. highly frustrating.



Before the show started

(above) Wake up Jeff! (purple)
Sam is in yellow.

Owen is in the red shirt with white sleeves. The wiggles shown are Murray (red) and Anthony (blue).


Pop Go the Wiggles - Live!

tonight was the night. we went to the wiggles concert. owen loved it! he was transfixed half the time and dancing the other half. we ended up being just six rows from the stage (thank you, uncle scott!) the only thing missing was our friends, katie, rob and peter. peter won't miss out completely, though ;-) pictures are downloading to my computer as i type. i'll get them posted in a minute.

those guys have such fun in their work. anthony (the blue wiggle) must be near 40 and he is really about 6 at heart. he and captain feathersword play off of eachother so much. it's hilarious to watch.

the other funny thing to watch was all of the parents have fun right along with their kids. the wiggles make sure to put things into their programs specifically for the parents. tonight it was a bit from the song "my sharona" and they also made some beatles references. i don't know if enjoying the wiggles is a guilty pleasure or not. i don't even care!

i thought ahead before we left and put the latest wiggles dvd in the diaper bag and a sharpie in my pocket. the plan was to see if i could get one of the wiggles to sign the cover at the end of the concert. mission accomplished. murray (red wiggle, owen's favorite, i think) did. it says, "hi owen! murray w." how very cool.

Terrible Twos

they are officially here. it's tantrum city in our house. at least it's age appropriate. i know that owen is frustrated and that makes him angry. "no" is also his most frequent word. he loves to say it, but hates to hear it. i still can't lift him per my doctor's orders from my back injury a couple of weeks ago. makes this time very difficult. last night was interesting, though. he wanted to play with his fridge dj (leapfrog) during story time. i wouldn't let him and took it away. he pitched a good fit. screaming, tears, the whole nine yards. i responded by going to the rocking chair in his room and starting to read books aloud. he eventually stopped having his fit and came over, climbed in my lap, and listened while i read. then we went to his bed, where he told me to sit down by signing "sit" and pointing to his pillow. we read one more story and then i tucked him in.

he's at daycare while i'm at home working on my boards (last release day). tonight the three of us are going to see the wiggles. i wonder how long it's going to take owen to realize who we're seeing once we get there and he sees the stage.


PBR picture

PBR is Pro Bull Riders. we go every year. it was owen's first time going. here's the bug at the pbr last night. he had such a good time. i asked him when we were leaving if he had fun and he said, "Fun!" He was turning heads everywhere we went, too. Everyone thought he was so cute. He certainly knows how and when to turn on the charm, doesn't he? and yes, that's is his own hat.

it was a late night for all of us. the bull riding didn't start until 8:00, but mr. o did so well. he didn't get scared when there were flames and fireworks and loud bangs. once, he turned his head away because the flames shooting from the prop bulls' nostrils was really bright, but he was never scared. :-)


great progress!

Well, I think we've crossed that final hurdle in potty training. Owen is now going potty consistently at day care. Yesterday, he was dry all day except for at nap time. That I can deal with. He even woke up dry this a.m. pretty impressive for not quite 2-1/2. i'm so ready to be done with diapers and pull-ups during the day. we'll take night time as it comes. i'm not so worried about that. it's a whole different set of skills.

my 4th and 5th graders at school are presentign their musicals this week. they've been working on writing musicals based on original folk or fairy tales. i invited the superintendent and the school board last-minuted (friday morning). our sup is coming on monday morning, and the school board is going to try to come as well. they are interviewing for a new sup (the current one is interim and is on the short list). it will be great exposure for my music program, and for the program at my school.

we have tickets to PBR tonight (pro bull riders). owen loves watching bull riding. i think it's the fact that it's fast-paced. next friday night is wiggles. i'm so excited about that!


bad week for mommy

let me just say that having owen is such a blessing. he takes my mind off of the icky week i've had. and oh, what a week it was...

tuesday was a meeting for my national boards. as i'm walking out the door, i slip and fall on an UNMARKED wet floor (as in recently mopped). i managed to twist my left ankle, bruise both knees really good (so good my md requested x-rays of both just to make sure that everything is ok), jammed my right wrist on the floor and the shock from that went through my arm and into my back which is now covered in sprains. i also managed to shatter my water bottle (plastic nalgene-type) which just added more water to the floor, which the custodian just pushed around with the mop to make the floor even more wet. yes, i got the paperwork going the next morning. yes, i went to my doctor on friday afternoon. and yes, the district will be paying for my related medical care for a while. i have two prescriptions for meds, one for massage therapy once a week for four weeks, and directions not to lift, push, or pull anything over 15 lbs. for the next two weeks. yeah. uh huh...

then, once i finally managed to get headed out the door, i realized i didn't have my keys. i knew i had them when i got there because, well, i GOT there. we scoured the place, including going through trash cans, but had no luck. i had to call jeffy, who came to get me. luckily we have an extra set of car keys at home and i had an extra house key in a bag at school.

that was tuesday. i had a program on wednesday afternoon and thursday evening. that went extremely well. it was very well-received. the biggest disappointment was that i was missing almost my entire back row of kids and two kids who were missing had recorder parts to play.

friday was a waiver day and i took a half-day to go to the doctor. the nice thing about that was the fact that i didn't have to do sub plans. all i had to do was put in my absence. jeffy had a doctor's appt 45 minutes after mine. x-rays were ordered for him to check for a bone spur on his heel. we went to the x-ray place together. do we know how to have fun on a friday afternoon or what?

but wait! it gets better (or worse, depending on your pov)! my car has been being persnickety for about the last year. used to be the go-gear wouldn't catch initially when i stopped at a light or stop sign. if i pushed the gas pedal in a little more, i'd have a screeching jump start and things would be ok until i stopped again. i started using just drive instead of overdrive. that fixed for a while, but thursday or friday it started doing that after i turned the car on. i could push the gas pedal clear to the floor and keep it there and nothing would happen. it was scary and frustrating. we took it to a repair shop that is right up the street and they said it was likely the transmission. (also that the transmissions in the car i have were notoriously bad so that was a relief...it wasn't me!) we had the option of rebuilding the transmission or not doing anything and getting a new car. unfortunately, the latter isn't finacially possible right now. we're rebuilding the transmission, which will take until wednesday or thursday. so now, i'm driving a chevy tahoe. it's really big, but i'm getting used to it.

now, i want you to think (or read) back to what my restrictions are for my back. do you see a slight potential issue here with a certain short person getting into a very tall car? i think i'm going to try to teach him to climb up on the runner boards and then into the truck. that'll help my back quite a bit.

tonight at the rental car place, owen was impressing quite a few people. a gentleman in front of us heard owen counting (as he was bouncing and watching himself in the mirrored window) and asked me if he was counting. i said he was and that he can count to 20 and backwards from 10. the gentleman replied that owen in a very intellegent little boy, especially for not quite 2-1/2. then, owen was playing a little while we were getting the car rental taken care of. he'd go to a chair, climb up in it, sit for a second, tell me that the chair was black (chair! black!) then he'd come back to me and start all over again. THEN, he noticed a little girl, probably 6 or 7 years old, and started flirting with her. she was flirting back. this caused one of the employees to laugh. i think it may have made her day. she took such delight in watching owen and the little girl. i'm so glad that owen knows how to behave when we're out in public. never once did i have to go chasing after him today. it was rather nice, actually. i guess he was finding enough to entertain himself so he wasn't getting bored and playing his own games. he also made us proud at dinner tonight, too. i love that he's getting better at staying near us when we're out and about. that shows that he is growing up, which is what he should be doing.

this morning was so funny with owen. it was about 6:30, he had been up since 5:30 (ugh!) and i was still in bed. he comes in to try to wake me up. one of the things i hear is, "time (to get) up!" then he gets right in my face and says, "wake up!" i didn't open my eyes until he kissed me on the lips. the little bugger knows the best way to wake up mommy! granted, i use that technique on him as well. what a sweet little boy we have. like i said at the start of this post, what a blessing he is in our lives.



that's what we heard coming from his room at about 6:30 this morning. how fun for him to wake up singing. now he's singing and dancing along with "annie oo" on his leap frog fridge dj. he loves that thing! it's what he woke up with yesterday morning. he loves singing along with that song. he'll dance while he's singing. it's great fun to watch.


the news

i got the ok from my little sis last night. her boyfriend proposed yesterday. she accepted. i'm so excited for both of them. marcus is a wonderful man. it's such an honor to have him as a part of our family now. happy tears are falling. her ring is absolutely GORGEOUS. as matron of honor, i'll have to take care of the bacelorette party, so i've started thinking some. dunno what we'll do yet, or even when it'll be. they don't have a date just yet.