

It's been just over a week since we had our first OB appointment. It was about the quickest we've ever gotten in and out of there - ever! The appointment was at 3:45, we were done and out of there by 4:05 or so. Nice.

Going in, I was hoping to hear the baby's heartbeat but I knew that it might have been a little bit early to be able to do that. My doctor told me that before he got the Doppler and not to worry if we didn't find it that day. He put the gel on my belly, set down the microphone (is that what it's called?) and boom! Right there was the heartbeat...at 174 beats/minute. This is a great heartrate, especially so early. What he told us that means is that now instead of having a 20% chance of miscarrying, I now have just a 5% chance. I like them odds! I'm totally at ease. My due date is October 19.

This Saturday is my due date with Jacob. Dad was up here last weekend helping us pick out a couple of vines to plant on Saturday. We got two Clamatis vines. They are beautiful. I'll post a picture once they are planted and the pergola on the patio is up (we're going to train them to go up and over the pergola.) Mom comes up tomorrow afternoon to be here for the planting.

My morning sickness is pretty much gone. Now I have to deal with night sickness. At least I get to make it through the day feeling pretty good and then start feeling icky around dinner/bed time.

I had a program last night at school. Not only did we have to pull out five of the lunch tables to accomodate people, but that wasn't enough! We still had people standing. Plus, my kids did so well, they got a standing ovation. I've never had that happen before! What a cool thing! One more major program to pull off this year and then a recorder showcase in June. That one will be easy because the kids will just play up to the song they've finished with and sit down. Nice and easy. This year I should also have a duet or two also.

More later. I hope to start posting more once I'm done with my first trimester and have a bit more energy. Just a couple more weeks! I'm at 11 weeks right now. :-)


9 Weeks, 5 Days - I did *what* this weekend!?

I still can't believe all I did this weekend...

I had a half day on Friday. Good thing, too. I came home and crashed on the couch for several hours until it was time to go to my Mary Kay thing that went from 7-10 on Friday night...for those of you who don't know, I start turning into a pumpkin at about 7 each night...then had to get up and be downtown by 8 on Saturday for day two. I got home around 4:30 Saturday afternoon, changed clothes, ate a quick dinner and the Jeffy and I went to the PBR (Pro Bull Riders) event at the T-dome. It was loads of fun. We had great seats! Too bad my favorite rider (Adriano Moraes, from Brazil....:-P) got bucked off with just under a second to go (they have to stay on the bull for 8 seconds). I crashed at about 7:30 or 8:00.

Needless to say, I spent most of today on the couch. I haven't even gotten out of my jammies today. Not that that's a bad thing... I want my evenings back! I want more energy!

First OB appointment in two days. Yay! Maybe we'll get to hear the heartbeat.


A Day Off

That's what I needed this week. I have been up several nights a week in the middle of the night for at least two hours. It was really affecting me. I was massively exhausted - ok, totally worn down - plus Wednesday night I got a migraine...ugh...so I took Thursday off and just rested and took care of myself. It was just what I needed. I was up at 2 (that's a.m.) doing sub plans and calling in for a sub. I had Jeffy drop them off at school Thursday morning. Turns out that was all for naught. I didn't end up getting a sub. When I went back yesterday, I was so rested and in a great mood. I'm really glad I did that. Isn't it nice when we make good decisions like that!?

I think I'm going shopping today for a dress for Easter, my spring concerts, and my sister-in-law's wedding since nothing I have is fitting right anymore. Wish me luck! I hope the stores have some nice dresses now!


Day to Day

I am learning that I have to take things day to day. Some days I feel great, others not so great. Yesterday was a 'feeling great' day. Today was a 'not feeling so great' day. I guess my breakfast didn't help...Krispy Kremes...I guess I'll be avoiding those for at least another few weeks. I'm honestly amazed that I made it to lunch without making a mad dash to the bathroom. I actually gave serious consideration to going home at the half-day mark today. Luckily I got loads of energy (at least temporarily) and ate a few tortilla chips which helped settle my tummy.

I have an amazing 'family' who now know about Bob. I am part of an e-mail list sponsored by Music K-8 magazine (how I taught without this magazine or list for three years is beyond me.) I announced my pregnancy to them yesterday and have since received so many supportive e-mails, prayers, and congratulations. If any of you are reading this, you rock!

Well, I'm half way to being able to relax a little bit. I'm trying not to worry too much but I can't help but be aware of every little tinge or cramp. I'm about 7-1/2 weeks pregnant now and I was just past 15 weeks when I lost Jacob, hence being half way there.

Jeff's sister-in-law called last night to see if we wanted their gliding rocker. Of course I said, "YES!" One less thing to buy. :-)

7:00 p.m. Time to start getting ready for bed. I know, I'm a wuss. But I'm a pregnant wuss! LOL....


Make room for Bob!

Early Ultrasound

I went for my ultrasound today. We have a live one! The heart is beating. I didn't expect to get to hear the heartbeat but I did, thanks to the wand that was used for my ultrasound (couldn't do it the normal way since I'm not far enough along for that to do any good.) I'm including a picture with this post. The baby is roughly 8 millimeters from crown to rump (head to tush). Lots of growing left to do, but right on schedule! Everything looks good so far! Yay!!! The funniest part about the entire appointment was that I was so excited about things that I forgot to have the tech validate my parking and had to go back and have her do that. Oops!

As for me, I have a touch of morning sickness - I wake up with an icky tummy, but as long as I munch on some crackers before I get up, the day goes decent. If I don't munch on those crackers, I'm no good until I get home from work. Lunch for the last week or so has been Ritz crackers and an apple. Yum. I've even lost a couple of pounds, but I suspect that they will come back fairly quickly.

In the picture, Bob is the little bit on the right-hand side of the black area. The yolk sac is right above Bob, I think. It will go away in a few weeks.